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Kay (DayZ)

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About Kay (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Kay (DayZ)

    You know whats really annoying...

    Reloading my hatchet. That one wretched zombie who spots me from miles away. Voice on side chat. Unbreakable hospital glass. Weapons poofing in starter pack.
  2. Sent a ticket with a couple of questions on Friday 28th December - would be fantastic if you could get to this soon.
  3. Yep this is happening to me also. Please, post if you figure out how to fix it. Edit: Nevermind, it appears to be downloading now.
  4. I'm sure he now has about a million friend requests.
  5. Kay (DayZ)

    Gender Selection not appearing in 1.7.3

    Sula that is exactly why I'm fond of the female character in Dayz! Now I miss her and I miss the immersion of playing as my own gender. Have tried deleting and reinstalling all files to no avail. Will post on the patch thread too.
  6. Kay (DayZ)

    Gender Selection not appearing in 1.7.3

    Is this an acknowledgement of the issue?
  7. Kay (DayZ)

    Gender Selection not appearing in 1.7.3

    20th Nov. Still stuck in male mode. Sigh.
  8. This has happened to me several times also. Most recently in Namalsk. Bombed & killed by a helicopter, respawned near Tara Bridge in an unchanging unconscious state. Remained the same on every Vilayer (hive) server I tried. Friends had to locate my body and kill me - evidently I was buried under sand with only one hand sticking out.
  9. Kay (DayZ)

    Gender Selection not appearing in 1.7.3

    Yeah...still experiencing this bug on Sunday, Nov 11th.
  10. Kay (DayZ)

    Favorite DayZ map?

    Namalsk is a welcome change, with very scarce food and snowy mountains.
  11. Kay (DayZ)

    Being a nice guy...

    Happens to me often and much. It helps to stash your stuff in a vehicle or tent before going to meet anybody. Thanks for being helpful. Never resort to butt-hurt banditry.
  12. Kay (DayZ)

    New Vehicles to DayZ

    Ooo. Will these vehicles be added in all maps or just Chernarus?
  13. I have never used Alt+F4 to leave the game. If I am attacked, I usually flee (or die trying), as I don't enjoy or seek out PVP in this particular game. The concern is that this system appears to favour and encourage PVP - ie: the suggestion that I should fill another players 'cranium full of lead' simply because s/he chucked a tin can somewhere nearby.
  14. So essentially, PVP is now absolutely required. Non-compliance is punishable by public shaming and potential admin ban.
  15. Kay (DayZ)

    Everyone is a bandit on Namalsk

    I'm currently playing Namalsk, I'm not a bandit, and I've run into a couple of friendly people. I think the map is condusive to banditry though, simply because of all the military spawns. Has anybody found any vehicles in Namalsk?