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Everything posted by Cannabiss

  1. Your best bet is that there's a vehicle hoarder on the server. Try roaming the outskirts of the map with all of your buddies in a different grid. If there is a hoard you guys wouldn't be able to miss it.
  2. Name: Cannabundo ID: 76184774 I Keep getting error "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server owner please contact DayZ Staff." everytime i join a server,I've upgraded, downgraded, reinstalled, and am still havin the same problem. I can hit respawn and see myself die, but other then that i can only play on private servers. I Really love this game and would love it if you were able to reset me so i can get back to playing with my buddies.
  3. It all started with the v35. First they took my v35, then my friends life. So i waited them out knowing they would return to there camp, and soon enough they showed up. so i took aim with my as50, boom 1 guy down, boom 2 guys down, boom 3 guys down. Next thing you know, server resets. so i join right away again, and they are still there, then they take off. so i follow them but then my other friend who was on his way said he spotted them, took aim and took out there wheels, they crashed into a tree then boom, he alt f4's and then the server restarts a second time.
  4. Cannabiss


    So yesterday, i attempted to log in, and just as i got in, i was teleported way out into the middle of butt fuck nowhere with a bunch of other people, we all lost everything, all the tools, our backpacks, food, water. i quickly logged out hoping that it was all just a dream. Now tonight i attempted to log on, trying to avoid the inevitable, knowing truly in my heart i was boned. I am now sitting here, trying to find ways to avoid my terrible fate. Would anyone be willing to help me?
  5. So, after being 2 weeks old, surviving multiple hacker attacks, a hacker has finally taken me out :( Looking for a group to play with. 3 Months experience, know the map like the back of my hand, and have a mic with skype/ts/dolby axon/mumble. Add me on a skype Bundo.mak
  6. Cannabiss

    Everyone loves a Cleveland Steamer

    just like a bisexual
  7. Cannabiss


    Haha, i feel pretty blessed! but i blame it on the cannabiss.
  8. Cannabiss


    Nvm, i just logged into a high pop server, praying this one and only time for a hacker to tele everyone to him. not even 30 seconds after i prayed to the DayZ gods, my wish was granted, i was tele'd to the nwaf, people were dropping like flies, so i quickly bitched out and aborted.
  9. Cannabiss


    i've logged back in but im still way out there bro..
  10. Cannabiss

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need a epi pen/bandage/morphine/blood bag up near vybor, in dire need of assistance please!!
  11. im interested in joining, i have 2 months experience and have a mic.
  12. Cannabiss

    DayZ Guns of Glory

    Day Z Name: Cannabundo Name(optional): Bundo Age:17 Time Zone:PST Time playing Day Z:2 Months Class(optional): (EXAMPLE: Sniper, Soldier, Medic...) Sniper/Spotter/Assault
  13. Cannabiss

    Looking For A Group

    i'm down to play, i have a mic and skype, been playing for a couple of months. pm me if you wanna.
  14. Looking to form a 3-4 player squad. must have skype. pm me if your interested. req's: 2+ weeks experience Decently geared mic skype
  15. Cannabiss

    I Need Items!

    I need 2xCoyote Backpacks and 1xGhillie Suit, Skype and a mic is a must. pm me what you want for them.
  16. i'm a fresh spawn, and im down to team up. add me bundo.mak
  17. My 1 Week old character just died, and i am a fresh spawn outside of cherno, would anyone like to team up? i have skype/mic bundo.mak is my skype
  18. Cannabiss

    Looking for more players.

    I'm pretty interested, hit me up on skype, bundo.mak
  19. I Would love to take the position of Scout, i am a pretty experienced player, i have ts3 and a mic.
  20. As the topic says, i'm looking for a Ghillie, NVG's, an AS50, a Silenced assault rifle, and a partner to play with. (Please have skype/TS3/Vent and a mic)
  21. I have been playing for about a week solid so far, and i noticed that playing by yourself is a bit boring, So i'm looking for a partner who has skype and a mic.
  22. Hi, i am Cannabiss, i am looking for a group to live long and prosper with. I have a Mic with Skype, Vent, TS3, Mumble, Dolby Axon, and XBL If Needed.
  23. Cannabiss

    New Player looking for group

    Still looking