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Everything posted by FrankFisher

  1. I'm pretty sure he stopped bleeding :D
  2. FrankFisher

    Getting off day 0

    I highly doubt it, im on day 6 and don't think I would of spent that much time playing dayz..
  3. FrankFisher

    use axe and keep gun?

    Sometimes its very hard to quickly change from axe to primary but hopefully they might fix it.
  4. FrankFisher

    Nuclear launch detected ... what?!

    Swim to TAKISTANNN
  5. FrankFisher

    It's a cruel, cruel world for a noob

    Keep trying and don't give up!
  6. FrankFisher

    I lasted under a minute - is that a record?

    Happen to me while I was proning but this was at stary....
  7. FrankFisher

    thought cherno was a pvp hotspot?

    You sir are extremely lucky haha.
  8. HAHAHA i loled at this, not every single control is going to be available on the controller so just NO!!!
  9. FrankFisher

    Hello DayZ Community

    Welcome to DayZ and the DayZ Community! May you live a long life
  10. FrankFisher

    Making Youtube Videos. need advice.

    Sony vegas is the best, I use it for all mine.
  11. FrankFisher

    Gay Hacker strikes again FML

    Well said man, well said. :P
  12. FrankFisher

    OMG! DayZ 2

    Day 6 and a ghillie suit, DayZ life couldn't be better.
  13. FrankFisher

    Buildings with doors you can't open...

    The ARMA engine wasn't really a good choice to use for a zombie/pvp survival especially with various loot all over the place. You'll get to know over time which doors open and which ones don't.
  14. FrankFisher

    Big problem

    Yeah, I don't know how accurate that website is but its 'minimum' which basically means unplayable. You can try tweak your quality preference, Anti-aliasing, post processing and others. But I can't guarantee it will be smooth.
  15. going into a barn and HATCHETS EVERYWHERE!!
  16. FrankFisher

    Where's the loot?

    Must be the server
  17. I walked from Balota all the way up to Berezino with 1.3 k blood, I kinda know how you feel. What you should do is find a box of matches and a hatchet, hunt some animals and cook their meat. Unless you have a good pal that is willing to give you a blood transfusion :P
  18. FrankFisher

    Can my computer run this?

    Seriously, some games are playable with low frame rates, but ARMA/DayZ is not one of them. Trust me I have similar specs to you and play with 2GB RAM...
  19. FrankFisher

    Varying movement speeds?

    I think its the primary weapon, I was running with a group of mates and one of them flew past us. Either that or he took steroids...
  20. FrankFisher

    Will this game run with these specs?

    Try find a laptop with i7, 8GB RAM and maybe a GTX card.
  21. FrankFisher

    Will this game run with these specs?

    He said he wants a laptop
  22. FrankFisher

    The best MOD/GAME going down the drain

    I agree, hackers make this mod very frustrating just like any other game, they just need a different kind of server protection because battle eye isn't really doing much.
  23. FrankFisher

    What to do when disconnecting ?

    Be sure to Hide somewhere safe. Your player will disappear when you log off.
  24. FrankFisher

    My game experience

    And awesome story btw :D good luck
  25. FrankFisher

    My game experience

    oh you must be good.