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Everything posted by FrankFisher

  1. FrankFisher

    "3rd Person Exploit!" "That's cheating!" Wah wah wah.

    Double tap the - key and your fov changes :P
  2. FrankFisher

    Calling for MASS HIVE WIPE <---|

    Remove the tents mwahaha until there's a fix of course.
  3. FrankFisher

    A way to deal with bandits, maybe?

    Most annoying hackers > bandits
  4. FrankFisher

    About the eating sound

    Then they should add farting as well, SO REALISTICC
  5. FrankFisher


    Awesome idea kinda like when you push zombies back on L4D, but slowly run out
  6. FrankFisher

    Will My Computer Be Able To Run This Game?

    Processor is not ideal maybe go for an i5 or i5-3750K if youve got the money.
  7. FrankFisher

    Zombie Noises

    they should make zombies talk to each other aswell, for teh lulz ? :thumbsup:
  8. FrankFisher

    Best gaming headset

    I play with the Turtle Beache's PX21's, which have pretty decent quality sound, not surround though. Its good enough from me and its compatible with PS3 and xbox.
  9. FrankFisher

    Aren't zombies moving too fast?

    they were 10x worse, as many said like 'olympic sprinters'
  10. FrankFisher

    M4A1 Holo SD - Legit?

    My friend found a RPK in the game, so he picked it up, a few minutes later he got kicked so he got rid of it :P
  11. FrankFisher

    I'm seriously done.

    I was on a server with like 8 people and got hacked =/
  12. FrankFisher

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    OMG you bloody legend, the nvidia worked for me
  13. FrankFisher

    Gaming computer advice

    I want a good gaming computer preferably under $1000, want to run dayz on high on good fps, I have been looking at a few on ebay like this one: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/230757598647?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_13015wt_1398 note that I'll probaly need to upgrade the gpu to something good. GTX or higher? Thanks
  14. FrankFisher

    A heads up for new players.

    Yeah keep server hopping I guess. :P
  15. FrankFisher

    Fun Tale

    Stories and moments like yours are truly what make this game epic, for what its worth If I was there I would of tried to shoot that guy and save your life. :D
  16. FrankFisher

    Gaming computer advice

    Ok then I might go with the 7870 or maybe a nvidia Gtx560 but for now ill keep researching!
  17. FrankFisher

    Disappointed - No Starting Gun

    Ok.. if anything its too easy to find weapons when you first spawn in.
  18. FrankFisher

    Tents still duping/losing items

    I wonder if the dayz devs are aware of this bug.....
  19. FrankFisher

    Gaming computer advice

    do you know much about radeons how good are they?
  20. Either way a hacker or script kiddie will end up killing you, unless their extremely nice
  21. FrankFisher

    Gaming computer advice

  22. FrankFisher

    Tent items disappearing

    Hello I keep placing items in my tent and clicking 'save' on it yet when I log off and come back on they aren't there, does anyone know why?
  23. FrankFisher

    Basic requirements questions

    That should be able to run it high or more.