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Everything posted by FrankFisher

  1. FrankFisher

    Is this considered server hopping?

    I really do not see why server hopping is so bad and considered as cheating. Whats so bad about changing server because your lagging or finding new loot?
  2. FrankFisher

    Banditry exploded

    Today I came across 3 players that saw me, they all walked on. Shows you there are some people that arn't in it for the PVP.
  3. FrankFisher

    DayZ sound card advice

    On board sound cards FTW! Go with something that has Surround sound.
  4. FrankFisher

    The Elektro Massacre

    Cherno + Elektro = NO GO ZONE, let's leave it at that.
  5. FrankFisher

    Was zombie aggro changed recently?

    Yep more zombie kills I guess xD
  6. FrankFisher

    my issues

    I agree with you, one person can start randomly killing people for fun then those people get angry and kill more people and from there It's like a chain reaction. If you plan to keep playing my advice is to avoid elektro and cherno completely.
  7. Read this thread and laughed.
  8. FrankFisher

    DayZ almost literally unplayable

    Nearly everyone gets this feeling towards the mod, but the more you play the more you accept it's bugs, more updates are coming out so more bugs are being fixed and no you didn't waste $20 because ARMA 2 has alot more than just DayZ servers.....
  9. FrankFisher Ghillie suits

    Yep they do, My mate was wearing one and now I WANT ONE!! :P
  10. FrankFisher

    Simple Rant

    He's not bitching, hes just having an opinion.
  11. FrankFisher

    More Popular Or Less Popular

    Well I would say populated servers because more people will be finding tents but you never know your luck in less populated servers either.
  12. FrankFisher

    Anyone out there...

    You have to pay for a server but there are servers you can join but may have other people in them.
  13. I'm trying to get into Australian/NZ Servers but they all seem to be stuck on loading screen, I was able to get in several hours ago but now I can't?
  14. FrankFisher

    Black loading screeen.....

    Cheers mate for the quick reply, I guess I'll just wait it out
  15. FrankFisher


    er... ummm.. ok then
  16. FrankFisher Stuck at loading screen.

    Hahaha, are you serious!!! is yours working yet?
  17. FrankFisher Stuck at loading screen.

    I usually Alt+Tab out bring up Crt+Alt+Del and delete from processes :D
  18. FrankFisher

    Just installed, can't connect to anything

    Got the same problem with steam, tried both six launcher and dayz commander, still stuck on loading screen...
  19. FrankFisher

    Worst Community Ever

    Hahaha, nice work buddy, you really thought this 'game' would be full of love, its a bloody zombie apocalypse
  20. FrankFisher

    ARMA 2 Beta Patch download site down??

    thank you very much :D
  21. FrankFisher

    Day Z Videos

    Sorry for not posting a DayZ video, but its still quite funny
  22. FrankFisher

    Want TO Play This Mod But Totally Confused

    Lol typical bandit
  23. FrankFisher

    Newbies and Wikis

    People should just play the game however they like. .
  24. FrankFisher

    o.O feeling alone

    I might head there now...
  25. FrankFisher

    playing dayz problems

    vanilla means the game is freshly installed with no mods.