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Everything posted by Lordsarito

  1. Lordsarito

    Dayz Beautiful pictures of skins, sun and landscape

    Oh, man.. lol. Upload your images first dude, this will show you how. http://www.wikihow.com/Upload-Images-to-the-Internet
  2. Lordsarito


    I have a suggestion for a new melee weapon, I was thinking about having a Katana in the game but if we can't have that then we should definitely have a Shashka.
  3. Lordsarito

    DayZ Standalone Screenshots

    Oh shit, I didn't realize there was a Guy Fawkes mask in the game.
  4. Lordsarito

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Yes, I believe that is correct.
  5. Lordsarito

    My First DayZ Kill (Standalone)

    You bastard, He was niiicee! You probably just bred a new bandit.
  6. Lordsarito

    Unconscious time?

    People have had longer then 30mins. You're best off hitting the respawn button.
  7. Lordsarito

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    That is true, but I doubt this is an intended feature and unless you can physically control the gun yourself then firefights will become less about skill and more about who get's lucky enough to not have their bullets spread too much. I saw a video recently of someone shooting a wall and apparently some bullets were going straight over the top when he was aiming in the middle of the wall. Someone also suggested that this may be due to changing your FOV and IIRC the mod had the same problem in the past.
  8. It really is up to you, I have seen many people complaining (despite the fact that they were warned and it is an alpha.) and I've also heard a lot people having fun with it. Me personally, I'm enjoying every minute of it. I think that the lack of loot is a good thing. In the mod it has been quite a while since I have been able to approach a player and not get attacked on the spot. The Mod turned in a giant death match, this is a fresh start. The standalone really brought back the old DayZ that I loved. It truly is an awesome game.
  9. Lordsarito

    Easter Eggs?

    Here it is. http://i.imgur.com/M57VYHL.jpg Loving the easter eggs in the game, hopefully they continue to add more. (Although have them a little more hidden)
  10. Lordsarito

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    How can you just state the fact that it's an alpha then immediately complain?
  11. Lordsarito


    Ah, that may very well be the case.
  12. Lordsarito

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I don't like that idea.. I handcuffed my brother when he was drinking from a well and he got stuck like that, couldn't move or anything and the only thing he could do was disconnect.
  13. Lordsarito


    Same thing happens with short-sleeve shirts.
  14. Lordsarito

    can't seem to get microphone to work

    Maybe, but you'd be surprised at how many people STILL don't have a mic.
  15. Lordsarito

    I need my zoom back

    I agree, can't see shit right now.
  16. Sweet, now that fucker who kept shooting up cherno is gone :)
  17. Lordsarito

    Dayz Standalone or Mortal Kombat?

    Woaah, You found a zombie?! Luuuucky..
  18. Lordsarito

    A Few Suggestions

    Love these ideas, I love night time it's so much more fun except for people who turn their brightness & contrast all the way up.. People also don't like night servers because of how long the darkness lasts. I think the transition from day to night should be significantly shorter so that instead of leaving night servers they'll stick around and just wait for the sun to come up.
  19. Lordsarito

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    I've always thought the idea of having snow & caves in DayZ would be amazing so I made this to show what it could be like. VERSION 1 VERSION 2 - (This version has some minor fortification.)
  20. Lordsarito

    Just a simple poll regarding gore.

    That is awesome. :o
  21. Lordsarito

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    I think a prison would need its own island just like alcatraz, also it would need a sweet name just like alcatraz.
  22. Lordsarito

    SA DAYZ : Shopping Mall

    Definitely, The buildings we have now are much too cramped.
  23. Lordsarito

    Maps or countries you would like to play in

    I like the sound of that :D
  24. Lordsarito

    SA: Flare gun!

    If you shoot a flare at someone it should be a temporary loss of sight until your eyes re-adjust to the darkness. It would be very helpful if someone is chasing you down with an assault rifle and all you have is a flare gun. Also, obviously it should be more effective against night vision.
  25. I agree but looks like we have to deal with it. It's not really a problem though. Hopefully we get some underwater and caves etc.. Btw, DAT NIGHT SKY