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Everything posted by goldenwar100

  1. goldenwar100

    Task Force Chernarus is recruiting!!

    Wow looks like I'm a bit late to the party but I'd love to join if there is still room. How should I go about this, join the teamspeak? I'm 16 from the east coast and have been tired of going at it alone. I'm currently in electro with ak, med supplies, and food/drink.
  2. goldenwar100

    Graphics crash (maybe?)

    So, I just bought and built a new computer and have been playing dayz and such for about two weeks now. For some reason during random times when I load into the game everything will freeze up for about five seconds and come back to my desktop tabbed out of the game. To make this even more strange i can still hear the audio from that game and the cursor is still skinned to the one in the game but I can not re open the game and have to task manager it off. I have tried to fix it on my own but I can't seem to stop the crashing at random gameplay times. Can anyone help me out?