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Generalen (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Generalen (DayZ)

  1. Generalen (DayZ)

    Beginner LFG [EU]

    Hi! My nickname is Generalen and I am a beginner to this mod. I would like to find people to play with. I am from Sweden so I would prefer to play with other Europeans because of the time difference. I'm fluent in Swedish and English and I have good previous experience of teamwork including project reality and other realistic games. 21 years old with a keen sense of humor, while still behaving mature enough to co-exist with other players. PM me on this forum with your steam ID and I will add you. I have and can use: TS3, Mumble, Skype.
  2. Generalen (DayZ)

    Danish guy looking for players.

    Feel free to add me on steam: Generalen909
  3. Generalen (DayZ)

    UK6 regular looking for friend(s)

    Generalen909 @ steam Swedish male 21 y.o tw-orientated, decent English.