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Posts posted by will.laymance@gmail.com

  1. Our group started out as strict survivalists. We avoided confrontation and actively sought to help where we could. We took some risks, and made a couple of lasting friends that became permanent members of the group.

    At some point we started to become risk averse. We would go out looking for military grade supplies, and we started dying off more frequently. After this we moved to a more pro-active method of self defense. If someone could be a potential threat, the threat would be removed. If they avoided us, we wouldn't engage.

    For anyone else, we actively engaged those that could have proved to be a threat further down the line.

    We tend to have decent luck with avoiding people in cities, but the body count climbs up a bit when we hit the airfields.

    We don't go looking for dead bodies, but sometimes they find us.

  2. Something similar happened to me.

    I got shot by a bandit, and then he shot me another couple times for good measure. I spent a good five minutes on the ground giving details to my group over VoiP - I had forgotten that you're supposed to get a "You Are Dead" screen, so I figured I was just in that period when the game was waiting for me to manually respawn. By the time I logged out, my blood read at least -4000.

    Seeing how I thought I was dead, I decided to log for the evening. When I came back, I was in the same location with the hourglass indicator, Shock and Broken Bones. I was bleeding and completely clueless as to what had happened. I was now at positive health, but bleeding out. My team was logged in nearby, so they bandaged me, pilled me and eventually I was up and running again. I've yet to be damaged again sufficiently to show if I am deathproof or not, but I was able to aggro a Zed.

    Hope this little extra helps.

  3. Date/Time:



    What happened:

    While exploring, my group encountered a Zed that appeared to be floating/slowly falling. He was in the middle of the arch that lead in to the ruins.

    Where you were:

    Castle at Zub

    What you were doing:

    Exploring, sneaking, looting.

    *Server(s) you were on:

    Dallas 11
