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About krisrules

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. krisrules

    Coop Server

    This would be a nice addition; if there were enough servers one server could be titled 'Beginners server' 'Passive server' or, 'CO-OP' server, although then you could have players joining the co-op server to get good loot then hopping on to PvP and DM'ing everyone with it, where really if you want to find good loot to kill with, you should really take the risk of having it stolen from you finding it.
  2. Some people may enjoy the badass bandit model and for that reason choose to PvP, others may enjoy just slaughtering by-passers for their equipment, its a win for the bandit, however there isn't anything rewarding for the good Samaritans. Perhaps if you gave players with (for example) 4k humanity (which im pretty sure I managed to get after blood transfusing/bandaging a guy) a model change of some kind, or something else beneficial. I couldn't suggest what because I don't know how server scripts work, maybe for example after 5k humanity you could get a hint on your map/task/notes to the location of good equipment. Again just anything that would promote teamwork wouldn't go a miss.
  3. krisrules

    Paramilitary Rescue Group

    After the virus spread throughout the region, the Chernarussian Defence Force soon had their hands full with bandits, undead and natural causes alike. NATO had decided to temporarily pull out the CDF to Utes island until' a plan of action could be made. Not happy with the decision made by those with power, it wasn't long before the smaller powers banded together, forming their own Chernarussian Defence Organisation, the CPR. What started off as a bunch of armed men, soon became organised with the greater goal of unity. It wouldn't be long before they would become a force to be reckoned with, for those who were taking advantage of the lack of law in Chernarus. Even the most veteran bandit soon heard the rumours of this 'PMC like group, restoring order to the region. ^ Do like my background stories and RPG themes, I think the idea is brilliant and would really like to get involved!