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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Everything would be perfect if the new players spawned with a melee weapon to fend off the new enhanced zeds. Maybe a melee weapon that was half broken :)
  2. I have never used a gaming pad for the PC before I was wondering if some of you could give me some insight. I am thinking about buying a cheap pad online. I am assuming that all you need to do is map the appropriate keys to each button on the pad? Or does it work differently? Has anyone else managed to use a gaming pad for DayZ? What would you suggest I map onto my pad? Any guidance would be appreciated. I don't want to waste money on a controller for it not to work =] (I am buying a pad because I struggle with the keyboard on my laptop)
  3. I thought you was Woodysgamertag and got all excited =P But great video!
  4. Keep us posted if you manage to speed things up =]
  5. Download the Arma 2 OA demo :) it's only 2GB.
  6. I have seen a lot of talk on the forum about system specs and whether or not lower end computers could run the game. I was curious to see what your opinion on my specs are and if your assumption is correct or not. My specs- Intel® Core i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53GHz RAM 6.1 GB Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 64-bit NVIDIA GeForce 315M 3.1 GB How the game runs for me - I can run the game on Normal settings (with some settings lowered slightly) and I get minor framerate issues when I am within a forest. Is that what you assumed? I suppose my point is that most people will say that my laptop will not be able to run the game to a playable state. The only true way to determine whether your system can run the game is to download the Arma demos and see for yourself. My system is god awful and I manage fine =] I guess instead of asking on the forums just download the demo and see for yourself.
  7. Don't listen to iSayNo. Just shooting everything that moves is a stupid idea in a zombie survival simulation. Try finding more lucrative loot or even some vehicles =] Be weary of other players and try to avoid confrontation with them. You could pursue a hunting knife then try to survive on the land =]
  8. Great idea! :) I hope to see this implemented.
  9. RAMDisk will boost your performance significantly. My computer has lower specs than yours and it runs fine when I am using RAMDisk =]
  10. They should advertise this as a PVP shooter with some zombie survival elements to it.
  11. I watched a Let's Play recently and a comment that was made pissed me off. The guy was playing with his friends and he stumbled across a sniper. The first thing he said was 'I don't even care about the zombies anymore, I just want to kill people' This pisses me off because he is the type of person that is ruining this game. The PVP aspect should remain in the game but it should ALWAYS come secondary to the zombies. I purchased this for the zombies not for the PVP. Make the zombies tougher or something.
  12. I had the same problem. I just changed my key to the numlock button :)
  13. My computer doesn't have anything special and I manage to run the game on lowish settings. At first it was unplayable but then I did the RamDisk thing and I can run the game perfectly now :)
  14. Which way should I move in relation to the coast when I first spawn? I have found myself running through an never ending amount of forest and rarely coming across buildings. Every time I find do a small village to peruse through, I end up running to buildings that I can't get inside and then getting myself killed :P Any advice on knowing which buildings are explorable would be much appreciated!