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About Bear68

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bear68

    THIS CANT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think the brb guy is a spy. He set you up. This is DayZ trust noone. lol
  2. I noticed alot more zombies stuck in geometry( underneath deer stands and inside buildings that had no doors) nice for me easy targets but boring. Also noticed alot of desync on all the servers I joined. One time I warped back into a barn that I was in 15 minutes earlier but still had the CZ550 that I had just looted.
  3. fixed lol although zombie Afro was rather epic. Spell check iPod from work ftw.
  4. I just wanted to clarify my position I think the zombie Afro should be lowered but not because I can't get gear. I can probably get gear faster now. But the way I get gear now is not near as much fun as it was trying to sneak around a town. Spending an hour or two crawling around searching through buildings looking for loot was a rush. Running around a spawn getting a bunch of zeds to chase me off a cliff so they die or into the barn so I can kill them one at a time with an axe is not fun.
  5. I'll probably get flamed but I think the zombies definitely need to be toned down. I'm a noob to DayZ just started like 2 weeks ago. It took me a while but with the help of the forum, the wiki and a bunch of trial an error deaths I figured out how to sneak around in a town and get myself some basic supplies to survive. It was fun it was exciting it had that adrenaline rush you get with a full loot pvp game and alls I was doing was crawling around on the floor of a supermarket. With the way the zombies are at the moment I can't even crawl to a barn let alone into a town without agroung 4 or 5 zeds. I end up use stupid game mechanics to kill or get rid of zombies so I can loot. I like the game and will play no matter but they are probably alot of people that will try the game now and without help they will quit. You have a great game here but with out new sheep the wolves will get bored and leave Just thought the opinion of a newb might help.
  6. Bear68

    New zed 1.7.2

    Yeah they horded on me and took all my shit. No more sneaking and lootin with a crossbow and 3 bolts. I got no clue how a single player will get anywhere near a town.
  7. Are the Zeds like super sensitive now? Seems like they heard me from a mile away while I was sneaking.
  8. Bear68

    Mountain Dew stories.

    Man I wish you would have posted Mountain Dews were rare in the newb section. I found two on a dead guy and drank them.