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Everything posted by scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

  1. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    I need a fairly new server to play on

    theoldgitsarmy we are on the st hive(the server has only been up for a few days),pretty low pop,active admins and TS if you want to have some banter.
  2. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Scripted weapons being passed about.

    I thought you were never coming back? You have been on constantly EVERY morning whilst the server is quiet,strangely enough you always bugger off once an admin comes on. Go find somewhere else to grief.
  3. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    So how do you open the can of beans?

    When was the last time you opened a tin of Heinz? They all have ringpull openers these days :P
  4. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    [UK298] banned from server

    Will get an admin to get in touch with you as soon as one is available.
  5. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    UK Noob looking for survivors to hang with now and then

    I see a couple of guys here have been to the old gits forum,jump on TS next time!
  6. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    UK Noob looking for survivors to hang with now and then

    http://www.theoldgitsarmy.co.uk/forums/index.php Good group(mostly noobs who have got together)
  7. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    That would be awesome. Do not want to be the guy who gets the frying pan though!!
  8. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Scratch my request for help,have been fixed up. Many thanks to Born To Be Wild for the offer!
  9. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need Morphine(and a blood pack would be nice as well :D ) According to this map http://dayzdb.com/map#6.040.106 I am at 039 106 in the little shack near the barn just west of Kozlovka. Steam name is nepas
  10. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    COMING SOON: Six Launcher Replacement

    Do want!
  11. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Talk to group members without using direct

  12. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Robbing people.

    O,I don't know,maybe the fun factor?Far more entertaining to rob someone and leave them scared shitless than to just blow them away.
  13. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    How to survive solo!

    errrrrrr,Elektro is WEST of those spawn points,so you got that the wrong way.So you would need to go LEFT not RIGHT when you spawn at either of those places.
  14. scott.hallard@hotmail.co.uk

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Taken from the HFB DayZ T&C: "Before purchasing a server with us, please be sure that you have read and agree to the following conditions, these are set by the DayZ development team, not by ourselves: Servers may not be pass worded or locked. No other mods will be allowed to be run in conjunction with DayZ. Editing of DayZ core files, or mission files is forbidden. Kicking to make room for “friends” or clan mates is also not allowed. The minimum slot count is 40. Battleye is a requirement. There are only two reasons why a person should be banned on the server: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a person for stealing your loot / killing you / spying on you etc. The same applies for kicking. Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in your account being cancelled without refund. " Well,it is stated that if you don't follow the rules,they will shut you down with no refund.Dont see the problem myself tbh,more providers should stick to this.