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Everything posted by seemingepic

  1. seemingepic

    DayZ- Script Kiddies Torture Land

  2. seemingepic

    DayZ- Script Kiddies Torture Land

    gotta wait till i starve or dehydrate
  3. seemingepic


  4. seemingepic

    "Soldier Clothing"

    They are legit it has the same spawn rate as ghillie suit its called camo clothing http://dayzdb.com/database/camo-clothing
  5. seemingepic

    [video] Helicopter Encounter!

  6. seemingepic


    Hacking? 0 zombies killed 0 murders Shit load of dmr mags and an l8 whatever And no food water or med supplies?
  7. seemingepic

    New player with questions

    team up with kids
  8. seemingepic


    My friend and I were traveling to the barracks at the NW airfield where we came up behind two people with coyote backpacks, and took them out easily. They both were geared up and had some gun like G36- random numbers. Is that gun in the game or was it spawned?
  9. seemingepic


    Yeah we didnt pick it up, I kept my m14
  10. seemingepic


    Kthx thats what i thought
  11. Got 2 people me and a bud but we need more then just 2. He isnt on but will be later. We talk on mumble so you need mumble Looking for EST or Central time zones Must know what you are doing Helps to know where you are on the map What we want to accomplish 1. Explore/go up north 2. Find some crashed helis 3. Drink some mountain dew 4. Find a vehicle
  12. seemingepic

    Trading antibiotics for something rare

    A bullet to the head for those antibiotics ^.^ Trading never goes well
  13. seemingepic

    Looking for Dayz Teammate's PST

    Im 15 est and got a mumble server for us to use if you wanna team up
  14. seemingepic

    Looking for EST players

    Sorry, I want a little more experience then just starting :L
  15. seemingepic

    Could I run Dayz Mod?

    prob at low settings with low fps
  16. seemingepic

    Some Info on the Inventory System for us Noobs!!!

    It's easy, the only thing I dont like is the dissapearing items, but thats not hard to avoid.
  17. seemingepic

    Funny Moments - Episode 2!

  18. seemingepic

    Bear trap tomfoolery

  19. seemingepic

    [VIDEO] I was just in a helicopter dogfight

    roflcopter fight?
  20. Was on the same server, it was funny but i lost my legit gear :(
  21. seemingepic

    Spawning back at the coast

    Graphics glitches are normal with this patch The item thing is normally occured when you either got your stuff from a non-connected hive server or when you log on from a hive server to a non-hive server. Make sure its a trusted server like US### # = any number obv
  22. seemingepic

    Just bought game, in need of friends to play with!

    Read my pm coming your way
  23. if respawn is grayed out your bones arent broken? Remember that there is two different icons, one that is a bone and one that is mishaped something