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Everything posted by seemingepic

  1. seemingepic

    Need some buddies

    Looking for some more team members for our squad. Its normally just me and a friend, but we are looking to expand to have more fun. Requirements - 15+ - 1 Week experience - Mumble - Know the map Just leave a comment of what you wanna accomplish and ill send you a pm Im EST time and my friend is PST so ye
  2. seemingepic

    Need some buddies

    we are gonna start moving let us know now
  3. seemingepic

    Need some buddies

    sent u a pm
  4. seemingepic

    Shitty Dayz Spawns

    Spawned here a total of 5 times......ds'f .adsf 'dsa f http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml6IzKgXyp8&feature=youtu.be
  5. seemingepic

    Need some buddies

    Sent you a pm
  6. seemingepic

    Need some buddies

    Im 'murican
  7. Keep seeing the message spammed and saying its posted on biostudios forums but i cannot find them.. Any info?
  8. seemingepic

    Overwatch pays Off

    bodies despawn after 15 mins amirite?
  9. My friend cant update so i need to downgrade to get on this server or i get stuck on loading please halp.
  10. seemingepic

    How to downgrade to

    EDIT: i love u
  11. seemingepic

    How to downgrade to

    Thats not my problem, my friend is at on a server................................................ Im fully updated but he isn't and he just found a camp
  12. dayzcommander.com download that client itll let u update
  13. seemingepic

    DayZ Movie Series

    I have not made this. but stumbled upon it. Needs more views.
  14. seemingepic

    DayZ Movie Series

    yeah it could be edited a little bit more but its still great
  15. For all you defending rocket, why put this mod through a broken patch? You want to keep the community happy and thats fine, but please test your work before throwing it out there. To all saying post bug reports, I have. I filled out the forum and posted following the correct format so shh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjFMRWn0PlU&feature=youtu.be
  16. seemingepic Graphical Glitches Still There

    I'm not trying to start a flame war, just expressing my point. I want to see this mod sucseed, but he needs to put a little more brain power of what should happen.
  17. seemingepic Graphical Glitches Still There

    Or release A, A breaks Release B which fixes A and adds B Release C which fixes B and adds C That way when you go back and fix a bug, its one at a time so you know whats actually fixed. See where I'm gettting at?
  18. seemingepic Graphical Glitches Still There

    Would you rather have little check points or do everything in one bunch? I.E homework would be easier to do in check points over 2 weeks instead of doing everything in 1 week?
  19. seemingepic Graphical Glitches Still There

    Check my murders and im on day 2. Was meeting up with team...
  20. seemingepic Graphical Glitches Still There

    So add things that don't work just to fix them later? I think it should be like Add new item Fix it Add new item Fix it Shouldn't that be the ideal process?
  21. seemingepic Graphical Glitches Still There

    Then why release it? Why not test it out first with his resources of a 1 million player community? Why release a broken thing and have patch notes that say it fixes this this and this?
  22. seemingepic

    What should be in the next patch?

    fix the fucking shit they have before adding more new shit