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Everything posted by seemingepic

  1. Name: Seemingepic Location: USA USA GUID 72a3b7a52e21cc57629737887fb7a1b1
  2. Looking for a couple of cool cats 13+ that want to play DayZ. Will play any map as long as has a decent population Name: Steam: Age: Location Will add you, have a mumble server for us. Looking forward to playing with you guys!
  3. seemingepic

    Need 2-3 People To Team Up With

    Sent one nutrient check invites
  4. seemingepic

    Need 2-3 People To Team Up With

    Added yall
  5. seemingepic

    Need 2-3 People To Team Up With

    Added you both!
  6. seemingepic

    Need 2-3 People To Team Up With

    Still lookin :/
  7. seemingepic

    Just saw Rocket again.

  8. seemingepic

    So lonely. So VERY lonely.

    illll jooooiiijn yeeeeee
  9. seemingepic

    The [NA] Recruiting

    IGN: SeemingEpic Location: East Coast
  10. Hello, I have been playing DayZ for a decent amount of time. I normally played solo or with one other guy. I was looking to play with a group for once. I have a public mumble for you guys to come stop in. If you want to come join us the mumble ip is Application: (all 14 + accepted :D) IGN Experience About you TimeZone
  11. seemingepic

    Looking for a group/clan?

    I'll join up with you.
  12. seemingepic

    Supple Depots on Regular DayZ

    Its only for other maps. Doesn't work on chernarus pretty sure
  13. Great server, tons of fun today. Had 3 chopper battles and an event at panthera.
  14. wish someone would let me in there clan :/
  15. Im looking to create a small group of people to play on different servers/maps. You can be a friendly or a bandit, but must be able to play both ways. You can be a noob to a pro. Application IGN: Age: Time Zone: Experience: Contact
  16. seemingepic

    Looking To Create A Group

    Accepted! Will send info tomorrow