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Everything posted by seemingepic

  1. seemingepic


  2. seemingepic

    Spawn as bird?

  3. seemingepic

    Will it last?

  4. seemingepic

    Will this run dayz?

    2nd Gen Intel® Core™ i5-2320 processor 3.0ghz up to 3.3ghz Intel® HD graphics 8GB DDR3 memory 1TB hd
  5. seemingepic

    Direct3D 9 Error (lolwut?)

    Same here, just go reupdate it.
  6. seemingepic

    Can I run Day Z

    Easy. If you have a little bit of lag change the task manager option to high priority. There is also a crap top of tweaks. But you should easily get 30fps+
  7. My computer is pretty shit AMD Dual-Core Processer E-350 AMD Radeon HD 6310 6gb DDR3 Ram
  8. seemingepic

    Cant Change Priority

    Is there a reason I can't change priority on the DayZ mod? SAys operation can not be complete d access denied. Should i run it in administator mode and how do i do that?
  9. seemingepic

    No weapon spawn -> opportunity to team up

    Seems to work both ways. You either get shot because they thing you are no harm and an easy target or you meet people that are the same as you.
  10. I know this is an old topic, but i couldnt find out how to do it normally on just a forum page. This video helped me. I found this page on google :/
  11. seemingepic

    Players - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

    Every 1/3 players seems friendly 1/3 kos 1/3 looks at you and ignores you
  12. seemingepic

    Can my computer handle dayz

    Thanks for the tips :)
  13. seemingepic

    Buildings and moving from coast :)

    if you can see through the windows its normally openable