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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So me and my friend were at the NE to loot and I was overlooking. Two people killed him but he managed to kill him as well. I then saw these guys and shot at them, 'thinking' it was them. They looted the three fully loaded bodies, and my friend was gonna kill them. Turned out there were 5. So, we convinced them we were friendly. This is what happened. I usually don't bandit it but I couldn't give up this chance. We both feel bad for doing it, but it was the best banditry we have done/seen.
  2. Hate to double post, but if I killed you and you see this I am terribly sorry! If you so happen to see this I can work out a deal to get to supplies if you honestly need it! Just add me on steam. It's the same as my username on here.
  3. Thank you. We actually were looking for a firefight for future reference for joining groups. But I guess this is a good example of infiltrating groups or leading a good plan? Idk. either way it went well no one got hit, but we still are shaking from it and it overall was a terrible feeling.
  4. So, when did you become my brain? XD. I am not gonna do it. You can say all you want that I am, but I won't.
  5. What do you use to record?
  6. I've helped dozens of people before, and I've been killed by 50% of them. They never helped me, and they killed my friend before hand in cold blood. They even said when I wasn't recording that they died here killing someone. Also, you say I am going to do it again, yet I am not.
  7. "Yes, I am always a bandit." -That statement was a lie. Listen, I killed them. I don't like being a bandit though.
  8. Listen, I didn't like doing it, sure it gave me a rush, but I almost NEVER be a bandit. I am always about helping people.
  9. I can't dl from DayZ Commander, gives me a LONG line of errors.
  10. When I read the topic name, I was like, "Oh god, a newb getting mad over a sniper at Elektro." Then I read the topic and was like, "Thank.... god."
  11. This server is new and ready for you to bang it dry! Get on and have fun! Maybe call it your home, maybe call it.... a new era! It is ran off of Elpis Host. Great ratings! Any problems, report here. or to my email, [email protected] US 1957 Dallas (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95883) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-3] dayzmod.com - hosted by Snazzy Gaming US1957 Found on all launchers. (ArmA2, Six Launcher, DayZCommander) Come one! Come All!
  12. halokiller38@aol.com

    Loot Respawn

    200 meters for loot to spawn, and if you are farming(Very unreccomended) 50 meters. And I think if the place has been looted, 5 minutes.
  13. This server is new and ready for you to bang it dry! Get on and have fun! Maybe call it your home, maybe call it.... a new era! It is ran off of Elpis Host. Great ratings! Any problems, report http://snazzygamers.createaforum.com/. or to my email, [email protected] US 1957 Dallas (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95883) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-3] dayzmod.com - hosted by Snazzy Gaming US 1957 Found on all launchers. (ArmA2, Six Launcher, DayZCommander) Come one! Come All!
  15. I'm in, I do videos myself. Been playing for 2-3 months.
  16. Been waiting a few hours... nothing yet... nor heard from my ticket.
  17. Just ordered a server, been eyeing other hosters, and you guys seem to be the only one with a good price. Most want 40 up front, I got my budget for 25.81! Thanks! Can't wait to play it!
  18. Alright, so I died, in Elektro, and literally right after that, it said Restart in 5 minutes, I am at elektro and when I am at the office building it says, "2 minutes remaining." I go into the residential house 5 seconds away and it is restarted then and there. Pretty suspicious right?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6DDf1861wc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbnklbdk6Pg Click below for the full playlist! /watch?v=U6DDf1861wc&list=PL108ABBB0DCB727CC&feature=view_all Don't forget to click the like and subscribe buttons!
  20. I wish I could play, but you know, this download site downloads at like 1 KB a minute. Says 4 hours. But you know, I download a 400 mb file I can get it dled in 10 minutes. >_> http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/
  21. So, I was going to different servers looking for a night, where I came upon some random server and this is what happened.