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About clevelandtyler2

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  1. clevelandtyler2

    Anyone else getting horrible frame-rates since patch?

    ok I'll try that thanks.
  2. It is beyond unplayable at the moment. I have a GTX 580 SC, and am getting around 15-20 FPS. There is no reason for this to be the case. Before I would easily get 45-60. Anyone find a fix or reason yet?
  3. clevelandtyler2 still drops FPS like a bag of dirt

    I have a GTX 580, so AMD is not the problem. It's beyond unplayable though for me. 15-20 FPS is ridiculous for my card. There is absolutely no reason for it.
  4. clevelandtyler2

    I literally can not play the game for more than 3 minutes

    None of us know. Plus mods will probably put this in the crying thread.
  5. clevelandtyler2

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    It's definitely worth playing a whole night, just to say you did it and survived. Not to mention the intensity of it.
  6. I honestly avoided night-time servers. I thought, "This is so lame, I can't see anything!" But this evening I played a few hours on a pitch black server and it was hands down the most intense gaming session I've ever had. Indescribable to anyone not familiar with the game. A buddy and I were creeping through Cherno, super stealthy. We had just raided the church when we received word in the text chat that someone needed a blood transfusion in the hospital, so we thought, "Why not? We're right here." So we embark towards the hospital, which is about a quarter mile north of our position. So we let the guy know that we're on our way, and we should be there in about 5 minutes. It seemed like every single corner we passed was more suspenseful than the last. All we had was one chemlight, and the faint red glow of a flare off in the distance, marking our destination. When we finally get there we're asking the guy where he is, when all of a sudden I can faintly spot someone watching us from a tower to the south. I instantly pull sights on him and ask over chat and to my buddy "Who's taht up there?!" Turns out it was the guy we had been looking for, but out of nowhere comes a second survivor. Scared the crap outta me! We realize he's friendly so we all group up near the hospital to fix this guy up. We had reached our destination and now have 2 more survivors to travel with. Out of nowhere, I hear a shot ring out. The random guy drops to the ground, dead. I thought "Who was that?! Did we get betrayed??" But nope, it just so happened that a bandit or two were also in on our little conversation over text chat. We all got killed but it was still one of the most awesome experiences I've had in 10 years of gaming. TLDR: Night-time in DayZ is amazingly immersive and suspenseful. Anyone who avoid night servers should really give them a try. Especially with friends.
  7. clevelandtyler2

    Remove NVGs.

  8. clevelandtyler2

    anyone tried a controller?

    ARMA would suck with a controller. Go back to console please.
  9. clevelandtyler2

    [Solved] Error when connecting to a server

    Same here. Here's a screenshot of the error message I get: http://oi49.tinypic.com/nb6b0i.jpg
  10. clevelandtyler2

    Downloadable content deleted?

    Same problem. Here's a screenshot of the error message. http://oi49.tinypic.com/nb6b0i.jpg