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Everything posted by <RQI>Mucko

  1. Anyone having this problem. I can't hear a freaking thing. Been like that a few days...only option I think is to kill myself near the shore. Or is there a fix? I had a friend shoot me in the legs to drop my blood and re-bag me etc. Still deaf.
  2. Title says it all...we purchased a new server and have been modding the hell out of it. We have strategically placed vehicles, custom buildings, CUSTOM BASES!!, extra heli crash sites, did I mention a ton of vehicles? Decent loadout from the start...we need players!!! We will be doing competitions with custom loadouts for the victor etc...active admins, no map abuse which is what a lot of servers are plagued by. Debug monitor added as well. Lots of helis...still modding as we think of new ideas...open to suggestions still. Just check for Rage Quit Inc. through DayZ commander...or the IP address port 3272! Hope to see you online and either be-friend you or be shot at by you! Happy Hunting!! It's a Chenarus map...roughly 15 to 20 helis, 80 or so vehicles...fun but still challenging! Buildings are customized and strategically placed to provide a highly challenging PVP environment.
  3. It's Chenarus...and its very much like vanilla. We did NOT put in 28739084234 vehicles...we did NOT put in a million barracks...sorry that your upset over my new server post. Nonetheless, feel free to come check it out. Theres about 15 helis on the server and roughly 70 to 80 vehicles. Everythings been customized to make game play more enjoyable...also the loadout is very much like a vanilla one with the exception I gave a main weapon with no ammo and a secondary garbage weapon. Hope to see you guys on! thanks
  4. So I'm camping out stary last night with a friend...we are waiting for someone to eff up so we can shoot them. All of a sudden my friend starts laughing in mumble...some dude in a blue ural teleported right in front of me and said "you guys look bored"...then a second later we were with him at the opposite end of the map on a hill in his blue ural. He spawned a ton of things in front of us. Then disappeared as we sat in a random field near the PBX boat. I have not, nor do I have any clue how to hack this game. I am one of the people who rages all the time about hackers ruining for the rest of us. Now I have been globally banned and will NOT be returning. I also pay 97 dollars per month for a multiplay server for others to enjoy the game and help it grow. That's also going byebye. Grats on establishing such a wonderful relationship/communication level with battle-eye who has banned me and thousands of others by mistake. -Mike
  5. All I know is I was teleported around the map while within a Blue Ural. I logged off with my friend and we have both been banned. You can research my posts...I'm always complaining about being aim-bot killed etc by hackers. How hackers have ruined the game. I'm 30 years old...not trying to troll like a child. You can say whatever you want to say...I'll be taking my money elsewhere instead of providing a server for others to play this horribly managed game.
  6. South of the northwest airfield there is non stop gunfire from hackers with god mode on. Myself and 2 clan members were on the server looking for vehicles when the screen "reloaded" and there was a mega sized bunker "hacked in" and people shooting off relentlessly in all directions with unlimited rounds. We literally listened to rounds going off for about 45 minutes...its a server with name plates...conveniently we were killed at the same exact time just shortly ago. I dont really care about dying...I have my own camp I can semi-replenish at...however this hacking is ridiculous. Check it out...south of NWAF you will hear gunfire as if you are landing in Normandy. good luck
  7. <RQI>Mucko

    hacked in bunkers, US 2317...god mode on

    I'm really not that involved to make a video of it. I was literally listening to bullets whizzing by my head and my clan-mates heads...you know the sound provided you've been in a fire fight. Just limitless amounts...pretty cool honestly but its also annoying cause its cheap.
  8. what locations in the US are dedicated boxes available? The ivy bridge v2 110 dollars per month option has piqued my interests.
  9. Why on earth would I give a crap what my humanity is? Why do you choose to add things like humanity instead of fixing the important things...like freaking video glitches. Or maybe improve BE to prevent hackers which have gotten me to cancel my servers subscriptions and the 11 other people I play with to quit? I logged on to a random realm a little while ago...still the same crap, yet new additions like humanity? Seriously? Grats.
  10. <RQI>Mucko


    fan boy is a fan.
  11. is anyone going to step it up and eliminate scripts being input to the game by any player besides direct access hive admins? is it really that difficult?
  12. seriously? did you just ask that? If you were on a server and could see someone on a firehouse, you were within 2 to 300 yards. shots at 800+ provided you arent rocking an as50 u will understand bullet drop.
  13. I was on US 1366, saw a person driving a GMC Yukon Denali, jet black with 22s, through chern. Killed him and blew up his vehicle. 5 minutes later, an identical vehicle came through chern and honked the horn at me. while driving by I was shooting again...this time he hack insta-killed me while driving by.
  14. will VPS servers be available again anytime soon? I've been checking now for 3 weeks+
  15. <RQI>Mucko

    hacking is rampant

    I've literally tried playing on 12 different servers where there's a decent amount of players so I can recruit and or generally have fun in fire fights. Out of all 12 servers, hackers insta-gibbed my crew of 6 <RQI> members simultaneously, spawned in exotic weapons, shot buses down from the sky, and executed entire servers of people over and over. I pay every month to host this game for a multitude of players to enjoy through my own wallet. While I appreciate the content of the game itself, I, like many others, am probably not going to hang around much longer if this is going to continue. league of legends inc.
  16. <RQI>Mucko

    hacking is rampant

    How would one go private hive?
  17. ive restarted the game, ive taken a beating on purpose, ive taken bullets from clan mates. even restarted the server to try and remedy it. No dice :(
  18. <RQI>Mucko

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    Stop server hopping and give the hive time to actually save your progress. I'm sure thats the case.
  19. Before anyone asks, no I do not server hop which could cause eating and drinking from saving. Literally every 30 minutes (non-running) I now require food and water. I feel like I should change my name to fat albert or something. Thoughts?
  20. heres the issue, you are a little punk who got smoked trying to steal from their camp instead of just simply befriending them im sure. Take this garbage off the forums...and please uninstall this game.
  21. whats your in game name and guid so I can ban you for being a meatwagon?
  22. <RQI>Mucko

    Why this mod is failing

    I think someone's butt hurt. Here's the thing...if you can actually imagine a zombie apocalypse, there would be no government, no military and that means NO LAW. Therefore, mindless, senseless killings will take place from those who try to establish themselves as a supreme ruler/king. If you play this game solo...then I can understand how it'd be boring. You need to learn some social skills and take a chance at befriending others and forming or joining a clan. Survival of the fittest...period.
  23. <RQI>Mucko

    US #500

    which us 500 is it exactly? theres quite a few of them so it would help if you were more specific.