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Everything posted by exasmic

  1. Is there no solution to the wrong CD key error when updating beta patches?
  2. exasmic

    On update: Wrong CD key

    Same problem, tried everything, followed that useless stick post as well.. Bad version, server rejected connection, because my version isn't up to date BUT I can't patch it because when I do, it says WRONG CD KEY.
  3. exasmic

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    thanks for reviving a dead thread.... I also get the same problem, but seriously.. wtf
  4. So I reinstalled arma 2 and arma 2 OA, after I made a fresh install on my PC.. Whenever I go to dayz commander or manual patching of arma 2, I get a wrong CD key message because of this, I cannot join any games. I tried doing shit in the files, reinstalling, verifying integrity, regedit etc. :\ Nothing seems to work..
  5. I know how to do it, I put #beclient guid ingame, it says: Battleye Client: My GUID: And nothing. I need help on this, I want to play on a server and they need my GUID to get whitelisted. Thanks in advance.
  6. exasmic

    Need help with GUID

    Thanks, I'll try.
  7. exasmic

    Need help with GUID

    Need help =(
  8. exasmic

    Need help with GUID

    None of this works.
  9. exasmic

    Need help with GUID

    No Idea where to find this.. o.o
  10. exasmic

    Need help with GUID

    I know how to do it, it doesn't work.
  11. exasmic

    Need help with GUID

    How do you do this? #beclient guid doesn't work for shit for me.
  12. Hey guys I found an awesome Dayz stream today his stream is www.twitch.tv/nyxis123 !! He plays a bunch of games that are said in his description and his stream is really chill. Come check it out. I was just watching and they were doing hilarious shit in cherno lol. They killed like 3 people with ghillies and found a motorcycle xD
  13. exasmic

    Check out a DayZ stream!!

    He's streamin' right now :)
  14. exasmic

    Check out a DayZ stream!!

    Bump! He's streaming right now :D
  15. Just got geared up in elektro after killing someone in 1 clip with a makarov (wtf?) and I was running towards cherno and I found a tractor in the woods. I can't drive it but I can 'save tractor'. Is it blown up or glitched?
  16. Can someone explain? I just joined a Japanese 100 player server and I go into the male/female selection. I was perfectly fine in cherno before this. :(
  17. exasmic

    So I spawned dead.

    Thanks everyone for your help :) I really appreciate it. Giving beans now. EDIT: Just got on and got sniped by a 50 cal... LOL
  18. exasmic

    So I spawned dead.

    Ohhh. thanks dude, do I still have my character on other servers?
  19. exasmic

    So I spawned dead.

    :( I was looking forward to kill peoplez.
  20. exasmic

    So I found a tractor...

    LOL.. I wish it wasn't blown up xD
  21. exasmic

    So I found a tractor...

    I guess it was on fire and blown up. Not sure what they were doing there in the first place. The mountain was really steep.
  22. exasmic

    So I found a tractor...

    No, I couldn't access the gear. I think the tractor is blown up because it's like in front of a tree. But I can save it so I think it can still function. It's between Elektro and Prig in the forest on a hill. I tried as many angles as I could and I didn't work. I left the tractor there but it may be glitched so I missed out :P
  23. exasmic

    So I found a tractor...

    I know how vehicles work. It lets me save the tractor but not get in. Theres no option for it.
  24. exasmic

    The new Six Updater

    Use DayzCommander. Very good program.