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About 3730065

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 3730065

    Really gotta start over?

    How do you even die? I havent joined a server yet do people only die with the camo and ghillie suit? Or do you just get ploped in a random spot and unluckily spawned in a wall and die or did they just wipe the character data on the hive? I just found out of this update not to many minutes ago
  2. No not until beta would it be a option
  3. 3730065

    I Must Confess...

    Hey man its okay if it was just that one time I can forgive you and that is a good weapon I respect you making this post confessing it takes alot of guts to do what you did for that I forgive you :)
  4. 3730065

    Blood syringes

    Just visit a couple supermarkets and you'll have everything you need for steaks. Steaks are already a good way to ration health among a group. I'm not saying I think this is a bad idea in and of itself' date=' I just think that there's already something in the game that fills the need you describe. [/quote'] Thing is you need tons of steak to just replenish 800 blood each its just unreasonable why the player cant find a syringe and give himself or others a portion of blood from a blood bag
  5. 3730065

    Blood syringes

    But theres tons of times that people arnt able to get a hold of a knife and like i said it can be used to ration a single blood bag (edit bag) among your group
  6. 3730065

    Blood syringes

    I have been dying from blood loss each time and i dont have a partner either I was thinking the team can implement syringes that give you more blood and it uses the blood bag for ammunition and when you inject your self with blood you get around 2000-3000 blood back. Would anyone like this to be added its just a thing i thought up while strolling the woods on DayZ.
  7. 3730065

    NY7 - Fake death exploit/hack

    There was also bombing last night too! I was running away when all the sudden my legs were broke and i passed out. Later when i woke up from passing out the 3 zombies chasing me were dead? I took morphine and ran away then a second later i get killed.. Luckily it was a newly spawned character... I hope this guy gets caught soon..