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Burris (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Burris (DayZ)

  1. Burris (DayZ)

    Accidental Ban on US153 - "HookedOnPwnics"

    Yeah anzu If you go and open the file that comes with the arma2 rcon tool you can change the auto refresh to like every 30 seconds or minute instead of the every 10 seconds its defualts at
  2. Burris (DayZ)

    US327 kicking non clan members

    Better check that out some more then Last I checked I've spotted 4 threads about us327 I think each of them atleast have screenshots but I have a low res video because I wanted to be able to upload faster but Little did I know shitty comcast made it forever to upload so I wont be falling for that mistake again I'll just upload with higher res
  3. Yes theres actually another forum thread already about us 327 and their kicking everyone non clan members I'll link that and I'll link my youtube video evidence again Here's the other thread http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30110 and here's the youtube evidence I already posted in the last one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZIDXlZcz...e=youtu.be no admin or devteam member has addressed anything about this server yet so maybe since this thread has less raging and arguing it will be taken care of sooner
  4. Burris (DayZ)

    US327 kicking non clan members

    try changing you name to "[TAG]_yourname" ??? Hmmm yeah impersonating one of their clan members totally isnt a good way to get banned I've never played on their server before I saw this post little over 2 minutes after it was created I got the video of them kicking people after joining to strengthen noblewhale's evidence against US327 admins It's about the concrete rules of server hosting rules are rules that need to be followed If one jumps outta the line to go rogue and police how they want and its accepted then loads others will soon follow after that one its pretty much mob mentality so these servers where these clans are doing this they need to be blacklisted or punished in some way they are made example of
  5. Burris (DayZ)

    US327 kicking non clan members

    Sorry about not being able to upload the video fast enough My computer is slow to load the server but it clearly shows I join and get in the server and after being in the server a short time I get kicked so yes it's confirmed kicking non "[TAG]" members Here's the youtube link
  6. Burris (DayZ)

    US327 kicking non clan members

    I tried to join that server too and got Kicked shortly after entering the server and got it on fraps so I'mma take a trip to youtube and upload it then I'll post the link
  7. Burris (DayZ)

    LU82, admins kicking everyone who is not their friend

    Yeah this gets old I've seen multiple servers do this but for the sake of not throwing offtopic i wont name them Yeah Hopefully since I bumped this an admin or devteam member will see this and do something about it
  8. Just putting this up as a notice for some admin to deal with the atlanta 76 hosters They have an advert up when you join I cant remember the exact wording but its something to the effect of "admin : this is a clan ran server and admins may kick at will for members to join" which is obviously a direct conflict with the server hosting rules that rocket put up I actually havent seen them kick anyone but It'd be nice to have it dealt with and INB4 crappy grammar
  9. Burris (DayZ)

    Atlanta 76 In conflict with server hosting rules

    Goodspellar Its a matter of rules are rules and they need to be followed I already have a server to play on and thats us153 owned by Anzu and Tactical I just went on atlanta 76 to sit on buildings in cherno for a few hours and noticed that when I joined