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SSrT Nick

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Everything posted by SSrT Nick

  1. SSrT Nick

    LooKing for more to play with

    I'd like to join up. 19. Been playing since last June. Sniping has always been my strong point. Thanks.
  2. Do you have a custom build saved that I may look at?
  3. I'm a very experienced DayZ player and I would like to find a group of people that are into Origins as of now. Just leave a post if you have a group or you're interested in creating one. Thanks
  4. SSrT Nick

    Looking for an ORIGINS group

    I messaged you friend.
  5. SSrT Nick

    How about a Kill Cam?

    It's a military sim built for realism. Take the perspective to real life. You're in a zombie apocalypse with a friend and one of you die. You're not going to come back as an angel or demon just to be able to tell your friend where you died from XD Simple.
  6. Since Wiki is always right anyway.
  7. SSrT Nick

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    In general you aren't going to get a gaming PC for $300. You wouldn't be very good in the marketing business. Obviously console would have a burst in sales just like Minecraft as I stated earlier. But touche to you my friend. You make arguing here worthwhile. Have my beans.
  8. SSrT Nick

    3rd person problems (Laptop)

    Lol You're welcome man. if you need anything else just ask on here
  9. SSrT Nick

    3rd person problems (Laptop)

    Oops I'm sorry. I made a mistake myself. You need to bind it to toggle view
  10. SSrT Nick

    3rd person problems (Laptop)

    It's ok man. Everyone was there at one point. But you find tactical view in the control and find a button on your keyboard that isn't being used and simply push it and and press ok. From then on it should be the button used to switch from 1st to 3rd.
  11. SSrT Nick

    3rd person problems (Laptop)

    Hey man. Go to your controls and find tactical view and you have to bind a key to the command on a laptop!
  12. SSrT Nick

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Don't fucking buy the console edition. It's like any other game of course it's going to be dumbed down, Just because a game comes out on a console doesn't mean its ruined. Fucking crybabies. And honestly, if I had a game and a bunch of 12 year old kids had console only dying to play a zombie shooter, I'd sell it to console also... i.e Minecraft, more copies sold to console than PC. = More money to build the games on both platforms. It's about marketing, not making all of you PC only fuckers think you rule the world with a $2000 cpu at which in ratio the consoles are a lot more powerful with the pricce you're paying.
  13. No kidding. The reason for being locked should say, "OP is a whineass"
  14. You obviously do not understand the process of gaming. Remember Battlefield 3 Beta? How many bugs and glitches it had? Yeah we tested those bugs finding them and making them noticed for the developers to make and polish their final project. Same instance here except at a far worse state. The game is going to be standalone. Meaning he can now do whatever he wants with the coding. So appreciate what rocket is doing or stop playing. Simple. Again ALPHA... We're testing it not playing
  15. Again, it's alpha you impatient fuck.
  16. First off, two weeks isn't going to get you shit. Quit crying and go raid someones base that happens to have one. If you look hard enough you'll find one somewhere. You're not going to come across one of the most rare things in the game by chance in two weeks. They only spawn every seven days. Calm down CODboy.
  17. SSrT Nick

    Manually select the ammo to use

    If you look at your mags there is a green bar in each one representing how many bullets are left in each.
  18. What don't you get about the Alpha process? WE as players are the testers for these patches.. If you'd pay attention rocket himself asks in the posts how to Hotfixes worked. We test them so he will know what needs to be redone...
  19. SSrT Nick

    Dear sniper on Pik Kozlava on US 282

    When you spawn you really don't have much of a choice but to go inland. Don't be a smartass.
  20. SSrT Nick

    CZ 550

    The CZ 550 is a moderate spawn.
  21. Remember guys, sniper team is full. Looking for the Assault squad.
  22. SSrT Nick

    Welcome to the Biggest hacked game/mod out there

    The problem is BattlEye. The hackers won't be stopped. If 3/4 of the community had played ArmA 2 they would know that a fully established game out for years will still get hacked... So you're all losing saying it will be fixed when the game is released at its best. Unless Bohemia obtains something other than BattlEye the game is doomed.
  23. SSrT Nick

    Questions about Ghillie suits

    Way to jump to conclusions moron. It also seems that everyone knew which building he was talking about, thus making it a successful statement. Can't tell if you're a troll or just a jackass.
  24. SSrT Nick

    Uk195 airfield snipers thank you.
