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Everything posted by Acix

  1. Acix

    Have I gone too far?

    Awesome we have mods being jackasses now too ... good one dumbasses
  2. Acix


    If you have so much hate for DayZ these days why the hell are you still bombing(trolling) and shitting up the forums with your bullshit.... u said u went back to other games... good stay there!
  3. Acix


    Vanilla DayZ
  4. Most likely is that AMD chip of yours...
  5. Acix

    US 1993 is hacker infested

    Welcome to DayZmod
  6. I've gotta say, I mean if you've been playing this mod for a few days now your input has to be valued... on top of which, Ramen noodles? U serious... go finish college, get a job, then eat like a normal person... no one cares that your 18 year old ass has to resort to ramen every night... TL:DR Stop eating like a bum!!! No one cares u eat garbage every night!
  7. Probably nothing wrong with your comp but seriously, at this point why bother with pub hive? Find a good private hive and enjoy until standalone!
  8. If you have a heilo its pretty easy to find bases if you spend a little time flying over the map... not much can be easily hidden from a heilo crew
  9. Acix

    What's the point in COMBAT ROLE?

    works well to get over barbed wire
  10. Overstated? Maybe but you may rethink your statement when u roll right over some C-Wire without an issue
  11. Acix

    global ban

    You bought a scammed version of the game and the CD-Key that came with it has been banned because of a hacker is my guess... or u tried to hack right when u got the game and got banned... either way that cd-key is most likely garbage now... try appealing on battleye's site, the mods here cannot and will not help u
  12. Acix

    Belt Pouches

    Should be able to get mag pouches and store ammo separately from gear imho
  13. Acix

    trailer chernarus modified server

    Was good until you started mowing down zombies with a MK48
  14. Acix

    M16A2 vs M4A1

    M4 vs. M16 = personal preference... in game unless one is scoped or silenced they are about the same m8
  15. Hackers m8, find a new server or contact server admins and have them do a rollback to fix it... sorry it happened on a server you like but Script Kiddies are little cunts and don't care who's game they fuck up as long as they get a laugh.
  16. Dont make it so donations get you perks/loadouts it ruins it for people who don't donate and you'll quickly find that people wont come play on or help populate your server if its becomes pay to win. Just my two cents
  17. Sounds like they are a bunch of Douche Bags, much like 90% of admins on Private hives
  18. Script restrictions dont really come into play when dealing with hackers, and just him having killed you shouldnt effect anything, that being said you may want to try manually patching DayZ
  19. should check with your ISP, maybe have them refresh your signal can sometimes be on their end, also if you connect through a router can try to reboot that or (and this is what I would do) get rid of the router and direct port into your modem for best quality.
  20. Acix


    you should probably contact the admins of that server
  21. Acix

    Spawn In And Die.

    dont just leave the server, hit esc, and then abort, disconnect, and then hit ok again to respawn see if u get in, I would also suggest finding a private hive to play on and not using the local public hive as its riddled with hackers, best of luck out there hope this helped m8
  22. Acix

    Kicked from every server.

    Glad to see your issue was resolved, enjoy the Mod
  23. Acix

    Lost Love - DayZ Short Film

    def. nice cinematography, well done m8
  24. Acix

    Taviana, how good is it??

    size and enterable buildings on Taviana are nice, its just a different feel from Chernarus, its fun give it a whirl if you havent but for some reason, and this is a personal opinion, I prefer Chernarus to the other maps
  25. well... not sure why you got kicked, musta killed an admin lol