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{CQF} PFC Demyan

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Everything posted by {CQF} PFC Demyan

  1. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Makarov SD

    Troll so lame that he even makes my sedated brain hurt...
  2. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Here are the Details on the Hero skin that everyone wants!

    Bump for player awareness
  3. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    How to Stop Dupers

    Encore! ENCORE!!!
  4. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    alt f4 question

    It is a hacked weapon and not part of the game. it is ripped from the weapon scripts of Arma 2... If you doubt that, ask a mod
  5. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    that's... actually quite charming. Space cat will investigate, thank you :)
  6. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    that's... actually quite charming. Space cat will investigate, thank you :)
  7. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    alt f4 question

    No matter what the circumstance, you should not have that weapon.
  8. one thing alot of people don't realize in its full capacity is that being shot at, especially incrdibly close shots, is terrifying, disorienting and shicking to ANYONE that has never been in a firefight. you grt tremors, your eyeballs shake in hour sockets. you have so much adrenaline coursing through your body that sometimes it is truly difficult to immediately ascertain if you are wounded and where. in fact, I would like to see adrenaline implemented. I think it's perfect for DayZ, and would be truly gripping without a UI for it
  9. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    [Med - High EXP] Player LF solid group

    any chance you did some research? :-)
  10. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Disco in Cherno Hosted by TMW!

    Wish I could be there but am out of town until tomorrow :( Give Bend my best (tell him Demyan from CQF says hello, and I look forward to helping him save more lives (or his again, hehehe) soon!
  11. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Here are the Details on the Hero skin that everyone wants!

    Your speed is also heavily influenced by your loadout and inventory, bear that in mind. As a Hero since the second day of, trust me when I say I have confirmed that the skin makes you the fastest by default BEFORE considering your equipment. And if that's the case, about Humanity... Damn. Not that Bandits care, but taking over a 30,000 hit to Humanity is brutal by anyone's standards
  12. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Bronies, Space Cat admits total ignorance but genuine curiosity. What is a Brony? Ni, not kidding. Yes, I am ridiculous. Do tell
  13. One thin that everyone needs to bear in mind is that these features, if implemented, aren't going to be a one chance "you missed the queue and now you are fucked" kind of thing. Growing hungry you may even see a text prompt stating, "you feel faint / famished / thirsty" etc that may be accompanied by different queues of varying frequency and intensity. For example, if you are slightly hungry, you may find that your aim is very slightly off, or that your character may pick up an empty can the next time you find one to look inside in hopes for a morsel. If starving, your sprint may last only a handful of seconds before you start to stagger, and that it you must actually sit down and rest chronically if you are emaciated. Your character may become visibly gaunter, notable in first and third person, and you may find that you cannot temporarily take your eyes from another morehealthy looking player (cannibalism eminent...) Whatever the case, true DayZ fans should know by now that Rocket, while busy, is bloody brilliant and his choices are both intuitive and made with the best evolutions.for DayZ in mind. He will try and test something before implementation in he standalone. He will listen, as he always does, and note players' reactions to new features during the new alpha, and if they are overly flawed he will remove them either permanently or until they are fixed. Have faith. He may not be the most experienced game producer but his track record for choosing what is best has been near flawless. Before anyone troll about hacking being possible or any of the other shit that loves to get thrown into flame wars, Alpha Mod before he had any control over the game's engine or source code. Let him show you what he is made of come November before you start making negative presumptions :-)
  14. The more realistic and hardcore the terrier. Fuck the status quo of gaming. Bring it on. Immerse me.
  15. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    So why is the game fun in its current form?

    I have been playing Day since May, and there is no chance that I will ever admit defeat or bow out because of hackers. Things are getting better slowly but surely and if you can't handle slow progress or even reassure yourself that in a month it will be history then you really shouldn't be here wasting your time or ours. There are plenty of "stable" and "safe" games for you to enjoy elsewhere. And why join private servers? Vigilante admin with constant monitoring and knowledge of Arma 2 coding, up to 150 extra persistent vehicle spawns, constant maintenance, care for their players and active. Solid communities that are not as easily exploitable, more interactive and have collaborative events that put your concept of DayZ's engage to shame. But in the end I doubt you care enough to do anything but bitch and moan and I am simply wasting my words.
  16. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    So why is the game fun in its current form?

    With all due respect, Hacking will be a non-entity in a month and if you aren't playing on servers with active and knowledgeable admin then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Try 24/7 Daytime Finders server, or the Homeland private hive and drop this pathetically stale sofistry
  17. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    So why is the game fun in its current form?

    Seriously? How long have you been playing? Do you have any idea hoe bad hacking used to be? Are you even paying attention to the fact that BattlEye, while shoddy, is working constantly to better their security and IT IS WORKING? Thigh are getting better, but even if they weren't I would like you to stop playing as I am certain you are an irritating and obnoxious human being who has little care for anyone but themselves and their oh so knowledgeable and entitled opinion... Go hotbox some Raid
  18. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Here are the Details on the Hero skin that everyone wants!

    In my experience this resolves the issue for all other skins, but the Hero skin continues to have the issue after a relog.
  19. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Here are the Details on the Hero skin that everyone wants!

    In my experience this resolves the issue for all other skins, but the Hero skin continues to have the issue after a relog.
  20. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Here are the Details on the Hero skin that everyone wants!

    Funner fact, Heroes rarely care and often know how to take care of themselves and how to put down bandits. More importantly, true Heroes have many friends. Happy hunting indeed :)
  21. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Here are the Details on the Hero skin that everyone wants!

    NOOOOOOOO Will this glitch be remanded in the next Hotfix? It's unfortunate to hear that, but if it isn't meant to be it isn't meant to be :-(
  22. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Medic/Bodyguard trying to earn rep.

    Seek out The Coalition. In exchange for only your dedication to who you are and what we stand for - to stand together, survive, and create an experience the likes of which the DayZ community has never seen before- your services will not only be fully realized, but you will save many lives. All you need is to check the thread link for The Coalition thread below, and you will see just how strong the brotherhood of Humanity is. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/73671-the-coalition-changing-the-culture-of-dayz/ I am Demyan, proud member of The Coalition, The Chernarus Quarantine Force, and servant of the people. Join us in reclaiming Chernarus, and no amount of Bandits or Hackers will ever take it back. Godspeed comrade.
  23. {CQF} PFC Demyan

    Skilled/Geared Player Looking For Group

    Seek out The Coalition. We are here to protect you, in exchange for only your dedication to who you are and what we stand for - to stand together, survive, and create an experience the likes of which the DayZ community has never seen before. All you need is to check the thread link for The Coalition thread below, and you will see just how strong the brotherhood of Humanity is. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/73671-the-coalition-changing-the-culture-of-dayz/ I am Demyan, proud member of The Coalition, The Chernarus Quarantine Force, and servant of the people. Join us in reclaiming Chernarus, and no amount of Bandits or Hackers will ever take it back. Godspeed comrade.