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Everything posted by Reared'by'night

  1. The game simply isn't sustainable in its current form as a co-op game regardless if you are that special somebody that wants to play like that forever. Disregarding the pussy snipers that picks off people for more than 800 meters away at a safe position, players are simply a more satisfying target vs a bad AI with bad pathing. It simply makes for more interesting play. My heart doesn't pump when I'm chased by 5 zombies but If I hear gunshots nearby, I start to worry A LOT. That's the feeling I want from a game. That's not even mentioning the game does everything it can to discourage random grouping. The latter is not necessarily a bad thing and certainly not a complaint but it is what it is. You can't build a real world scenario around a game and expect players to act like they would in real life. In real life the consequences to onces actions are much more dire than spawning naked at the beach. If you had the ability to creat forrest fires in the game then all the forrests on every server would be on fire. It's the nature of sandbox games and the nature of gamers. Again regardless if you are that special somebody that's different
  2. I do this with my brother everytime we have to start over. Camp NW airfield barracks and kill server hoppers is one way to do it, but most are scrubs trying to get a basic set of gear. A better way i've found is to team up with somebody and have him fire off shots from inside the barracks. Either on the wall or picking off zombies as they enter from the noise he is making. Make sure he has next to nothing on him except a crap weapon like a makarov and a decent supply of mags. Then you just lay outside and wait, with a good view of the entrance and wait for one of the NW airfield bandits to come kill him which they very often will once they hear the shots (there's always one around). Wait until the bandit is checking the gear on your friend then pop a few in the back of his noggin. Just got 2 gps and a pair of NV googles this way, plus a crappy m24. It's a long run for him every time but the payoff is great and you don't have to cheat to do it. Once we have what we want we move on.
  3. Reared'by'night

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    Um.. Thanks? I'm not really bashing the current play style really, if that's what you're defending. I'm quite content with the way things are right now. I'm just pointing out, to the OP that as it stands now, you gain more from killing someone than just guessing if he's a bandit or you let him live. As for what I said as to fixing the banditry was a simple solution so being a bandit doesn't outweigh being a survivor or viceversa. It's a system to counter the pluses of being a bandit. Nothing else. Again, I'm not coming here to go on a screaming spree to say the current system is flawed. Cause it's not. I just wanted to give my perspective on what I think would remedy this. Sadly I was not aware that this topic is taboo to even comment on. Fanboy'ism is rampart on the forums. Any suggestion or even a thought that goes against what we have now will result in nerd rage. You just have to learn to ignore it. Once you learn, then teach me how
  4. Reared'by'night

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    So hard to tell if some of you ridiculous clowns are serious. Yes. Please "hinder" the exact aspect of the game that makes it unique and amazing. Or' date=' how about this brilliant idea - like, if you don't want to play a sandbox game go play a game that's not a sandbox game. Doesn't that seem like a much more obvious solution than choosing to play a sandbox game and then bitching about it? [/quote'] Fail reading is fail
  5. Reared'by'night

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    Where does it say he's trying to build a real world scenario? Where does it say he expects people to behave as they would in real life? "Hey guys' date=' I invented a bunch of design goals the creators of the mod never stated were actually goals but here's why we can't achieve them." Like, thanks. Next tell us how we will never have working air hockey tables. [/quote'] He never did but yet I see those comments all the time trying to draw paralells to the real world and how unrealistic it is for people to shoot on sight. Take a chill pill douche
  6. Reared'by'night

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    Someone sounds like they die to snipers' date=' a lot. [/quote'] Only once and not enough to be upset about it but if i didn't make that statement then people would crawl down my throat if i used words such as "players make for a better competitive target" using snipers an example. Then I would have to debate that point instead my post as a whole
  7. Reared'by'night

    Server hopping for resources an exploit?

    I don't think anybody will be satisfied with being forced to crawl around with broken legs in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, if they didn't have a respawn button. This goes double for all the bugs that comes with being in an Alpha.
  8. Reared'by'night

    Server hopping for resources an exploit?

    Only fix I see, is if positions are not saved or character positions were only saved on the server people played on. Add the above and a 20 second logout timer and we will have a better game.