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Magnum Johnson

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Everything posted by Magnum Johnson

  1. Magnum Johnson

    [SoM] Sins of Man, Currently recruiting

    After joining SOM I have had a hard time finding time to play and was recently banned from your site and Im no longer a member any reason other than inactivity? I play on a regular a regular basis and would like to have stayed in as an active member its just hard for me to get on Dayz with any consistency.
  2. Magnum Johnson

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    Im going to be getting on now too, Pm me if you want to join up.
  3. Magnum Johnson

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    Is this going anywhere? PM me
  4. To make a long story short I am working on a friends PC and I need to install arma2 CO steam version on his PC. I have the retail copy, is there a way to install the disks using the steam CD keys and make it all work correctly?
  5. Magnum Johnson

    Steam Arma2 CO install from disk possible?

    I assume this is not possible.
  6. We currently have a small group of three, sometimes four of us real life friends playing most evenings but would like to join up with some more mature players in the SoCal/West Coast region only. We have real lives, gray hairs, work full time, and have families so our DayZ time is cherished. We do not have a permanent server and really only play after 9pm. We usually have some decent gear and are more than willing to share gear, beans, blood, and anything else needed. I would not consider us murderers or bandits but after so many needless deaths and encounters with hit and disconnect cowards we have developed a bit of a shoot on sight mentality for anyone that looks like a threat. Were just looking for like minded people to roam the countryside with. Send me a msg on here if you would like to join up with us or would like us to join up with your group.
  7. Magnum Johnson

    Looking for SoCal/West Coast Players

    I will be online tonight if anyone wants to try to meet up. Ill be on Mumble, msg me through here for the details.
  8. Magnum Johnson

    Six Launcher Crashing

    So I just installed everything yesterday and have been enjoying the game a lot but my Six Launcher crashes after I have loaded the game and played for just a few mins. When I try to re open it it will load with no servers listed and the box and boarder are all black, or it will load after about 5 mins of the graphic less loader window but my Arma 2 will error out during the launch. So far my only solution has been to restart my PC every time I change servers or want to play DayZ. I tried searching and either missed it or im just the only one having this issue. Hope its something simple or user error related.
  9. Magnum Johnson

    Six Launcher Crashing

    Looks like it may be related to running mumble with DayZ? Any ideas?