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Everything posted by SponceUK

  1. Same. I find it's quite rare to bump into others there though I do see signs of other players. Just do not fire near there unless you want a fight!
  2. SponceUK

    Happy joy, happy joy!

  3. SponceUK

    DayZ - The game that tops em all

    Mine too it's nice to see some positive DayZ posts!
  4. SponceUK

    Just another LFG thread

    Where is the server? :)
  5. SponceUK

    Bear Traps? !

    I found one on a guy last night but yet to test it. First one I've seen!
  6. SponceUK

    Mountain Dew?

    My mate and I found one last night on a body but didn't take it because we assumed it was just a normal drink and we had plenty anyway.
  7. SponceUK

    I've learned a valuable lesson

    I thought I'd mix it up a but today, I was at the balota tents were I found an unarmed guy mooching about so after clearing a few zombies I thought I'd rob him. I told him to drop his shit, there was a bit of waiting then he did. I didn't kill him I told him to get out of the area. I think he was suprised I didn't shoot. That was fun but once he was gone I thought i should have kidnapped him!
  8. SponceUK

    Going far up north, whats the point?

    I've been to the NW airfield 2-3 times and not seen a single soul. I did manage to die though because I broke my legs on a rock :( and respawned because my mate got into DayZ and I thought I'd meet him. That was with a 6-7 day old character
  9. SponceUK

    Is losing everything... Enough?

    I agree, weapons need to be rare. Military weapons need to be extremely rare but with the duping problems it's not possible at the moment anyway :/
  10. SponceUK

    Textures and servers?

    Yeah the survivor and camo suits are from PMC. Not sure on anything else? It's about £6 on Steam at the moment
  11. SponceUK

    Frame Rate Lag

    Thanks I'll try speedfan. I did think about a memory leak to. I'll check the temps and probably rule that out.
  12. SponceUK

    Frame Rate Lag

    I have a simlar system and I start off usually with around 50-80 fps but after a while it will drop to maybe 25-60... I am thinking my GPU could be getting a touch warm. My CPU is water cooled so I doubt that's getting hot. What's the best program for monitoring temps?
  13. Just look in barns and such. Or head inland a bit and look for dear stands. This isn't reeeaaally a survival simulator though is it?... Just like Arma is not an 'army simulator' if it was you'd just be getting beasted a lot and waiting around a lot lot more :) Edit: what's with all the hostility on this forum? I've never seen anything like it. It's not good for new members to see this crowd of clowns being all 'internetzorz teh l33t'. The fact is chaps the mod will do better and maybe even better in the long term with more people interested in it. Everyone is new at some point so why not just extend a little hello, and if you must why not just tell the new guy to use the search function rather than grill the poor sod :\ There's no need for it.
  14. SponceUK

    Can my Computer run DayZ?

    I HIGHLY doubt a GF7100 will run it
  15. Fantastic :D I've tried to do thing kind of thing before but the only successful attempt was with an armed woman who was apparently in need of blood. She had blood so I gave her a transfusion and some steak and then headed off into the woods. As I left her friend turned up and they followed me for a bit, I watched them and stalked around them but her friend was just changing his clothes and needed cover :) Was a lot of fun
  16. SponceUK

    Quad core boost of arma 2 ?

    I just tested ad it does seem to help a little. Can anyone tell me if ArmaII supports SLi? I seem to recall that Arma did not.
  17. SponceUK

    Quad core boost of arma 2 ?

    Thanks for the info I never knew that. Was it always like that since OFP?... Actually there were no multicores around then :P Arma though?
  18. SponceUK

    Quad core boost of arma 2 ?

    I have a hex core, presumably I can just change the 4 to 6? Or is there a limit?
  19. SponceUK

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Wow some really creepy stuff going on! I was recently travelling north thinking I would hit Stary Sobor. I was infact further east and I think I happened on Polana. I was scoping out the town keeping a low profile because I could hear sniper shots reasonably close by, suddenly I hear footsteps and about turn. Standing there were 2 priests... They didn't do anything but follow my aim, it was very very weird and in the end I shot them thinking they would alert someone but they wouldn't die! I logged out to report it as a possible bug or hack but when I logged back in they were still there, prone this time.. I logged again and relogged in and they were gone :o
  20. I was just playing on the eu #404 server and these 2 priests sudden turn up behind me and made me shit myself... They seemed to be NPCs and ran in front of me whenever I looked another way!? They got annoying after a minute or so and I thought they may alert some zombies or a player so I shot them, they did not die.... O_o
  21. SponceUK

    Priests running around up north!?!?

    I tried talking to them :D Nothing happened... But I could hear a sniper nearby and the admin warned of a hacker on the server. I thought maybe he was spawning guys so he could watch where they run to find players? Weird anyway.