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Everything posted by SponceUK

  1. SponceUK

    Too many tents.... let's go

    Ahhhh, we didn't save the tents after looting. But that doesn't explain why the satchel charge had no effect on the fencing?
  2. SponceUK

    Too many tents.... let's go

    I've been back to the site with a mate to see what's what. Seems the satchel charges did... Nothing? The hole I made in the fence was back as it was before I went there and the tents were all intact with their gear inside :o I took another charge and laid it on the fence this time and it did NO damage, wtf.
  3. Initially I thought it was working for me as I was getting 104fps in the wilderness, after a while though it dropped to 60 (though I did up my view distance, not sure what the server is set to...) So I saw a drop, I think this game must have a memory leak O_o
  4. New to me too I'll give it a go and report back later :)
  5. SponceUK

    FN FAL Spawnrate?

    I almost always find them at crash sites
  6. SponceUK

    Too many tents.... let's go

    This is what happened to it.... I don't know what the interference is... My internet died half way through uploading, maybe that was it :P
  7. SponceUK

    Too many tents.... let's go

    I did find it. It was very heavily duped... I'm talking 3-4 sandbag fences thick plus tank traps and wire.... There is absolutely no way it was legit :(
  8. SponceUK

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    As someone else already pointed out, when you are ex military getting something as basic as mags or clips wrong is annoying. I'm sure there are things the people in this thread who are on the other side of the fence find annoying too. Maybe we would tell you " ooh maaw gawd chill da fuq out". Oh and one of the first things you learn in the forces is respect for others. Something this forum could really do with. :( I don't expect the whole world to know the correct terminology but, this is first and foremost Arma2 - a military sim. I would have thought everyone would have 'some' basic knowledge.
  9. I won't be watching but I like what you're doing, very nice of you.
  10. SponceUK

    Too many tents.... let's go

    I play on fr5 I'll take a look! :D
  11. SponceUK

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    Just to be cheeky a 'gun' is an artillery piece :P
  12. I think I found one once in the north barracks. I found 2 others in some tents :D
  13. That's not a terrible idea
  14. SponceUK

    zombie children??

    Not very though I imagine they'd be as irritating as real children :P
  15. SponceUK

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    What gets on my nerves is that people don't seem to know the difference between a 'clip' and a 'magazine'...
  16. SponceUK

    Reducing accuracy drastically

    I think he meant if you are breathing out your hoop. Obviously it's no trouble for a person with military training to hit a man sized target at 200m, it's not a bother for someone with military training to hit a 150mm grouping while standing
  17. SponceUK

    Reducing accuracy drastically

    I don't know if you have every actually fired a rifle... In the standing position your aim gets worse the longer you hold it, it's recommended to stand at 45 degrees with a shoulder width between your feet. Rifle aimed down at 45 degrees then pivot it up from the stock, line up quickly and take your shot. So it would actually be less realistic to have better aim after 5 seconds or so. 5 seconds is a very long time to hold an aim in the standing position and to a lesser extent the kneeling position.
  18. SponceUK

    Has this ever happened to you?

    It happened to me in Berezeno while I had a hunting rifle equiped... I was right at the tents and no zombie came for us O_o
  19. SponceUK

    Does character spawn while on the loading screen

    A good way to be safe while logging in is to log out in a bush or tree
  20. SponceUK


    I was on a bike a few days ago and a zombie managed to hit me and put me in shock :/
  21. Can't you just head South? Or South East?
  22. SponceUK

    some guns seem too quiet

    I agree. I'm using an M14 at the moment which is effin loud but doesn't seem to annoy the infected enough to bother with me :o
  23. SponceUK

    How long do bodies stay?

    I have seen a body of a woman whom I killed still hanging around after 18-20 hours! :o
  24. SponceUK

    I accidentally the whole thing.

    Lucky :) On a related note, I was at the NWAF a few nights back with a mate and we killed a sniper, after I died from a bug and he died from another sniper. I went back there the next day probably 18-20 hours later and the body of the sniper we killed was STILL THERE so I looted that and skipped merrily along :D How long do they normally last? The body was on top of the fire station tower on the FR5 server.