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About kugelmeister

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  1. kugelmeister

    DayZ Event Right Now! (LIVE)

    Really your advertising your gay little stream? what a loser. how about telling everyone to search for "Full Metal Klip" and join in, rather than try to whore a few more cents off viewers
  2. kugelmeister

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    In this game, the FN-FAL, the Lee Enfield, and the M14 AIM can down a player in 1 hit almost 100% of the time. If you get in close with a sniper they either have to switch out their gun with something in their bag, or try to 10 shot you with a pistol. In close quarters you can easily take down a sniper with an FN-FAL in 1 shot and then kill them with the second, the fact that they are using a game style that plays to the advantage of their gun is not "unfair". you have to play the game like there is an AS50 aimed at your head 24/7, it makes it exciting, it keeps you on your toes,and it helps you survive. if you cant kill a sniper in cherno because all you have is a Makarov or G17 then you have no right to bitch because a player with high end gear who has worked hard to get his shit and has gone around the map looting DESERVES to be able to kill a player who has been alive 5 minutes and only checked a few houses. In ANY other game you cannot expect to be as strong when you spawn as someone who has been playing for a while and is well geared, that is an unreasonable expectation and if you didnt have an advantage from playing the game and pillaging military camps in the north, then what would be the fucking point?
  3. Me and a friend were playing on US 1365, and have been on there regularly for the past few days. we set up a camp in the north and decided to settle down on this server and start stockpiling items so we have some gear to fall back on if we die. we had a fairly nice amount of gear between the two of us, but we decided to go int the NWAF and loot it since our camp was fairly close and i have been hunting for an SVD Camo for EVER. so anyway we get to the airfield and we find a large enclosure in the middle of the airfield, so we go inside and investigate. We found inside a bunch of crates with every single gun inside that some hacker had spawned (EDIT: i saw some youtube videos and found it was was probably the thunderdome?). we got a few supplies like food and water bottles, and after being unable to resist temptation we grab some of the nice guns inside to put in our camp so we could go out and be a little less conservative in battle, since we wouldnt lose EVERYTHING if we die. anyway later on everyone was kicked from the server, and our camp and aparently every other tent in the server was wiped clean, and we lost all our gear, legit and non legit. i know Rocket said that if a hacker spawns himself gear and you get it from them, without scripting it in for yourself then its fair game. i understand the server owner doesnt want people to have those guns, but the enclosure was up for almost the entire day, and its not our faults that it was there. should he be allowed to just wipe everything we have? i mean i get he pays for the server and everything but i dont think he should be allowed to just strip us of ALL our gear because OTHER players are hacking, and we had 2 AS50s legit from snipers in elektro so i mean how long is it going to take us to get that stuff back? it feels shitty that he has total control over everything we have just because we entrust our camp on his server. I do not think this was fair to us and the other people on the server, i have been killed and lost everything from hackers countless times, and now ive lost even more gear because for one time in my experiences playing DayZ, we had a chance to benefit from hackers, rather than get our character randomly killed and reset every day. it seems a little extreme to just trash all our stuff and we are regulars on the server, he has even contacted us a few times in his "admin side chat channel", but its seems silly that we cannot comunicate back, and we lose all our stuff because he decided we should.
  4. kugelmeister

    My Location on the Map

    Ive had a GPS regularly now for a while, travelled around the map countless times, and have even gone cross-chernaraus a few times in a UH-1H, so ive come to know the map pretty well. adding onto that, you can use the dhadows projected by the sun/moon as a comapass that is constantly at your feet, and the road signs are pretty easy to read if take a minute to get a feel for the russian alphabet, im at the point basically were at fresh spawn i know were i am, how to get to were i want to go, and navigate my way around the world withought any tools....people are way too dependant on finding tools in game they dont take a second to learn how to actually navigate using the incredible realism implemented in Arma
  5. Ive tried and tried but for some reason i cant get DayZ to update to , imean the way to update is sobad already, its all these external links and 3rd party software, im getting really frustrated and i cant join 1.72.4/5 servers at all now, any suggestions?
  6. kugelmeister

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    Hey i think the trading Co. is a really cool idea. i would love to be a bodyguard/overwatch type person to look out for the delivery peeps, and ive flown the helicopter a few times, but really anything i could do to help out would be cool. also what is the going rates for an AS50 and a Gillie suit? (lol sniper noob inbound)
  7. kugelmeister

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Im not aware of any specifics, but aparently when you go to green mountain at night bad shit goes down....a whole range of strange stuff happens, survivors die never to be seen again, its like the bermuda triangle of DayZ
  8. kugelmeister

    Slugs And Pellets

    quick question: if i have both slugs and pellets in my M1014 is there a way to swap between the ammo types?
  9. kugelmeister

    US200 ?

    I Used to play on a server called US200, we had our camp and all our gear there....one day it was just gone. Im just hoping that maybe if anyone from that server reads this they might be able to tell me what happened? we had alot of nice things =D
  10. It feels like every singe zombie hit i take makes me bleed these days, but you didn't get hit and downed in one shot by a zombie at full blood....you probably were at like 8500 blood (below 9000 zombies can incapacitate you in a single blow at a random chance) and your exagerating how much blood you had because you are mad, or you got shot by a sniper and just thought a zombie hit you because you might have been chased by one at the time and they do stop and make the hitting sound once in a while even if they dont make contact
  11. kugelmeister

    Trading MNT DEW for...

    Mountain Dew is the rarest variety of pop....that doesnt mean it's worth a fucking military grade arsenal, its still just a can of pop. i wouldnt trade a canteen for mountain dew
  12. kugelmeister

    Just some ideas from a guy who loves this game

    With the Classes idea, each character no matter what would be able to hunt zombies the same, hunt player the same, and have the same odds of survival. it would just solidify your role more in a squad and make team playing a more dynamic experience. and the EXP system wouldnt be a large part of your character, and would even have to be exp, just some way of tracking your characters growth as the game progresses and alow you to do certain things more easily accomplish some of the simple, "early game" tasks more easily so you can focus on the later game stuff like fighting other groups of players in the airfield or raiding large clan camps. most of these ideas or just some input of my own providing an empty husk of what could be a feature at some point, either during the alpha or eventually when a stand alone version is on the horizon. im just looking the put out some ideas that i think might be cool, but i know full well that doesnt necessarily mean they are do-able, practical, or fit in with Rocket's vision. im just looking to spark some conversation and get some feedback from people, or suggestions that expand on some of my ideas to start to create something that people might want to see =D
  13. So I have been watching the Dean "Rocket" Hall interviews with SideStrafe/FPSGuru/CODAnonymous and I was brainstorming some ideas and thought i should puke them out onto the forums to get bashed or praised...either way I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents since i have been playing this game for over a month and loving every minute of it. Before i write a novel on my crazy ideas, I have to give a shout out to Rocket for everything, and this thread is going to be nothing but sugestios for future additions and will have ZERO bashing of the game. Idea: Northern/Arctic Region Ok, so I know Rocket wants to, one way or another, create a larger world or "universe" for DayZ. I think that is awesome, and a northern winter environment would be cool (i've got a soft spot for winter biomes and im fairly sure its not because im a canuck). Imagine a place with like glacial mountains and stuff, and it had some more military bases and some towns and more of the usual, but your temperature dropped EXTREMELY fast unless you found a winter coat or something before venturing there, and while there you could find like, winter camo coats. Maybe you could find winter camo guns as well? (Winter Camo SVD giggity). Food might be more scarce, you could only get water by harvesting snow and melting it or maybe finding one of the rare glacial flow streams. This would add a ton of content that would be "end game"-esque because yu would have to get coats and stock up on food before you even attempt to brave the barren northern wasteland. What might be totally epic would be a frozen over submarine harbour with like submarines you could go in and get some sweet loot in and some more barracks? also you would need to find another map for that region as well. (I think this would be great especially people who are familiar with the current map and would seriously enjoy some new terrain) Idea: "Class" System. Don't hold me to the word "Class", i use it only for a lack of a better word. the idea more being when you spawn, you pick a character type, dare i call them classes. Sort of like in Chernarus Apocalypse (from what i have seen i haven't tried it yet) were you could be an engineer, a medic, a soldier, etc...basically, you get exp for killing zombies, and on top of that each class has an extra way of getting more exp. The soldier might get extra exp from killing zombies, the engineer might get some exp when he repairs cars, the medic could get more extra exp from giving bandages/blood bags and such. Anyway, as each class levels up, you get little perks, nothing that would give you any advantage in PvP, or Slaying Zeds, but things geared more towards "we are nearing 'end game' and now we want some perks to help us flourish and prosper". The engineer might be able to upgrade engines and make them more fuel efficient, the medic might be able to stack bandages and blood bags in his/her inventory so he could carry more around, and really be able to provide medical support to the other players, allowing the other players to maybe carry around more weapons and ammo or car parts and scrap metal withought worrying about inventory space for medical supplies. the soldier would maybe have green clothing on, not a guillie suit or anything but just something to ake him look military, and not stand out as much, plus maybe you would become able to customize guns so you could find an M4A3, and make it an M4A3 CCO SD if he found the right gun parts. One other that i thought of was a Scavenger/Survivor class. sort of like your average, well rounded default character, it would be geared more towards lone wolf style gameplay or playing in less structured groups. you could have perks like meat heals you for more, (since ou cant get blood transfusions if your playing solo), maybe you could stack ammo in groups of 3 since you will need to carry every supply you might need, and room for ammo might be tight. this character would get exp from killing animals and cooking their meat, or other survival type stuff you would need to do in a world were its you against the odds. as each class gains exp, they level up, or even just unlock new skills,it wouldn't even need a skill point system, just you pick your character and that sets you down a path towards certain perks. I know rocket talked about an increased penalty for death, and in a battle losing your medic would really hurt your team because he would have to respawn, meet back up with you and then re-aquire all his skills again. I think this would really encourage team play, and give an alternative to just spawning, trusting no one and hunting everything, and would make engagements against other groups more dynamic and a more prominent focus of experienced players. (Seriously give me feedback on this and suggest other character types you think would be good!) Idea: Pain So i guess i lied saying i wasnt going to bash/complain about anything in the game. I just think pain shouldn't be indefinite, which it isnt in real life, but just like if you are in a firefight with another player and you get shot, you are going to be in pain, but you bandage your wounds, you get your blood back up, eventually the pain should go away. if pain lasted 30 minutes, it would still affect you the same in a battle with players or if you are fighting a horde of Zeds, but sometimes we dont have any painkillers, we go to camp and log out, then the next day im still in pain and unable to shoot with any precision, and its not untill hours later it seems when we arrive in cherno's hospital im able to get rid of the pain that has stricken me for multiple days of gameplay. i know my luck on finding painkillers is poor and im trying not to be biased, but in my humble opinion i just don't think that the violent shacking of your screen shouldbe a permanent effect if you run out of painkillers. Idea:Parties Enough ranting, lets get back to some ideas! Im sure Rocket has thought about this 1000x more than i have, but i do think there should be a sort of "party" or "friendly" system were you can add players into a group, and when in that group you cannot kill other members of the group. there could be a global chat for just members of your group,maybe you could gain certain bonuses for being in a group, like if the class system were to exist, say as a lone wolf you get 10 exp per zombie kill, in a group, each member gains a portion of that exp, so each member would level up slower, but overall you are getting more exp. this would help balance lone wolf/coop gameplay styles and give further reason to group up with people. To be honest in not sure how the diplomacy would work, like how to get people in your group, and obviously you would have to use extreme causion when asked to join a group because they might just be coaxing you out of hiding, but that part of the game really cannot be removed. the other thing would be how to leave a group, such as if you decide you want to betray the group and kill them you shouldnt be able to just un-party them and kill them instantly, but at the same time you shouldnt be stuck in the group when you want to leave due to preventative measures for people leaving and betraying the party. im not sure how most of that would work, it would be a long and delicate process to get it right im sure, but i have faith in Rocket, and on top of that he probaby wont ever end up reading this so it doesnt matter that much ,and even if he does that by no means he could even consider this as a feasable goal. Final Suggestions: Some Closing thoughts: In my opinion weapon spawns should be greatly reduced. i think if it took a great deal of searching just to get an assualt riffle, then working as a group would be much smarter if you have 6 g an everpresent uys and 1 assault rifle, with ammo being scarce, you would have to work together to fight off the zombies rather than have a group of guys, each capable of being a one mn army that coul take on cherno in a blaze of gunfire all by themselves. if you actually had the threat of running out of ammo or not having enough guns to go around be an everpresent worry on your mind at all times would take the realism to a whole new level. i knw this hurts the solo players, but in a real apocalypse being alone and not working with others DOES hurt your chances of survival, so players who chose this route should be experience and capable on handling the drawbacks of solitude. I just think it should be a much greater accomplishment to have automatic weapons and such. I think there should be a way to secure equipment in camps/underground bases, so that it is alot harder for people to loot it, and the nly defence against this being to stash your tents as far from anything as possible. me and a friend had a fair cache of gear saved up after finding a half dozen helos, looting starry, cherno, electro, and the NW Air Field countless timesover the course of almost a month. we worked hard, we searched the land from top to bottom checking every dear stand in between. we risked life and death on many occasions in some of the most hostile regions of chernarus, and then one day we lost everything we had because someone logged into our server, walked through the north woods and stumbled uppon our tents. we assume he took everything he could, anything he could fit in the car and anything his teamates (if any) could grab and then flattened our tents leaving us with zilch. I have no probleme with this, thats how the game is, and starting fresh having to fight for your life with a makarov in cherno trying to scrounge enough gear to move out of that hell hole was a blast and i really enjoyed it. i just think if you work hard and get good items, you should have some way of protecting it better. Conclusion: Wow looking over what just wrote, im sorry for putting this novel on the forums =D i never meant it to be so long but once i got started my creativity was flowing..sort of. I just want to say i LOVE DayZ and think this is one of the best games i have ever played. on top of that, all of us right now have the opprotunity to not just play it, but be a part of it. we are supporting Rocket every day by playig the game and getting friends into it. I would love nothing more than to see this become a stand alone tittle, and allow Rocket to create the game of his, and our dreams, and possible down the road give him the opprotunity again to make something else amzing. Rocket has got to be one of the most down to earth, straight forward, involved game creators of all time. the only reason i posted this is because i know he peeks at the forums every once in a while to see what people are talking about,and I think thats awesome and if he ever sees this that would just confirm the reason i think Rocket rocks. I want people to post comments, criticism, expand on my ideas, share sone ideas of your own, i would love to hear all of it. tell my why you think my suggestions would ruin the game, or why you think they would make the game better in you experiences! i know most of my suggestions are geared towards team play, but i think that inherintly deminishes the need / want for people to just hunt players 24/7 just to kill them, it adds options for people beyond a great big game of team slayer. and yes, i am a group/coop style player, it makes it more fun, and a little less harsh since you have somebody to lean on when your in trouble, so im sorry for the biased oppinions, but hopefully im not too blind for the needs of the Lone Wolves out there in your one man wolf packs.
  14. kugelmeister

    Looking for a Partner (Steam)

    currently me and my friend play together, but its only 2 of us and were looking to expand. if you wanted to join us you can add me on steam im kugelmeister. we both run on easter time but we wpuld pnly be an hour or 2 appart
  15. kugelmeister

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    http://imgur.com/QE4VU Red Heli icons are a collection of known, recorded crash site locations that people hav ebeen working on, and the poorly drawn Blue Dots are the sites i have found (I record all the locations) its mostly random, but the bigger fields with larger lines of sight have higher cahnces of having them because they make up a larger area giving it more chances of having one, + they are easier to spot. south of starry seems to be good because you cna see fields for miles, and for between Gorka + Polana seems to be a hotspot but thats just my personal experience