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Everything posted by D4saken1

  1. Most people disagree with your playstyle. Not bad info; not my thing. Yiff in hell, peace out bro.
  2. Sounds like someone wants to be a serial killer irl.
  3. D4saken1

    Thanks for the bus :D

    Sounds like how I just got my group a small van to go with our hatchback because someone left it way way to close to the airstrip.
  4. I have to ask. Is Kawaii Baka Desu every other word a requirement to join?
  5. D4saken1

    Sweet Sweet Justice.

    I want to see Obama's birth cer... oh wait.
  6. D4saken1

    Someone Should Gift Me Arma :)

    Sorry no one feels sorry for you and no one cares. I'm usually not harsh but this thread is just bullshit. Reasons/Excuses don't matter.
  7. Ill watch it after I'm done watching you.
  8. D4saken1

    EU 41 Stary Sobor wtf mang

    I demand we measure. Plus I just like giving people shit that's all hah.
  9. D4saken1

    EU 41 Stary Sobor wtf mang

    My e-peen is bigger than yours dot thread.
  10. D4saken1

    DayZ Community....

    Yes us Amerikanz are all jerks. /American Servers often get invaded by Russian server raid parties gg bro. It's people in general QQ and quit if you want but don't be another hipster all americans suck kid.
  11. D4saken1

    Motivation for being a bandit?

    I am not offically a bandit yet but most players have forced me into a KOS state. I have run into a few friendlies before I hooked up with my RL friends. Trusting people is often a deadly mistake. I do not go out of my way to kill people only when someone is a threat (brandishing weapon) or I am in a high threat location like the NW Airfield.
  12. D4saken1

    Map print out for free

    PM me if you ever want help with anything Anth. Im a self taught graphic artist (not those omg i put a few start brushes in a picture kind of "self taught"). People like to complain instead of just saying thanks for the thought even if its not useful for me. Anonymity + Internet = Dickwad.
  13. D4saken1

    Server Hoppers

    I popped some guy in the barracks that was farming at the NW Airfield just watching the door. Just looked in the window and blam then he quit im sure he was not happy.
  14. D4saken1

    Why I hate playing with my friends

    This stuff makes me happy I have a good RL team who does not DC in PVP situations. We had to remove one friend (well more like he wont play because of butthurt) because of troll style playing then getting mad when told to stop etc or getting messed with back.
  15. D4saken1

    Map print out for free

    Ignore Mono just another turd trying to land on something nice done for the DayZ Community. Thanks much. I work in a print center and I paid a few bucks to print this out at 2 ft x 3 ft and laminated. : )
  16. All I can say is that the general internet culture makes it's way down to anything that gains popularity. It's somehow a fad to be a "troll" but 90% of people do not know what a troll is and somehow think unintelligent umadbro? trollface.jpg is smart or witty somehow. Making them an intellectual superior which I do not get. Expect to see a response to this like cool story bro ect meme garbage.