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Everything posted by D4saken1

  1. D4saken1

    Sniping for Fun Isn't Banditry

    Only if he changes his name to Lipton or Earl Grey will he teabag.
  2. D4saken1

    Bleeding out

    Escape to the forest and feast on animal flesh.
  3. D4saken1

    Sniping for Fun Isn't Banditry

    You know you have my mustache sir.
  4. My idea is evolving over time and I give you feedback but you came in here just linking your idea so I posted my feedback on this thread. The fire only in the forest is what I was thinking as well. You can help me with my idea instead of just saying your's is better and more complete. I don't mean to come off rude it's just text doesn't convey tone. I said we should work together; two heads are better than one. Edit: If you think there is no problem with your idea (I only feel it is a bit too steep even with the reducers, but that is me) then please just don't basically bash my idea.
  5. The 9999 will clear you just have to wait for Six Launcher to catch up. It takes mine about a minute or two. Also I think the 30 seconds should stay but let's say there is a 15 second logout time within the first minute of play then it goes up 5 seconds per minute until it reaches the 30 second cap. This could also work for being on multiple servers daily (mainly for hoppers). There would be a 5 second log out time penalty per every server you go to (not counting the original server logged into if you go back to that one). Meaning every different server you go to adds 5 to the 15 second and to the 30 second. It would be reset every 24 hours or possibly on server reset instead. It seems like it would be too hard to implicate though.
  6. Hey if people like this just post: /Signed Maybe if we get enough it will at least be looked at.
  7. D4saken1

    DayZ Memes

  8. I know I was just thinking then people would just carry wood with them for a camp fire and make it in a building when they wanted to log etc and then instead of tin cans it would be campfires, campfires everywhere. Mine doesn't apply much to server hopping but it would still make it harder just not as hard as with your solution. I'm looking to see a balance between the two.
  9. I see mixing our two thoughts together to make an effective solution. You could still have the 30 second timer but have it only be active after the time of delay is reduced to one minute via your idea (well sort of). I feel the overall 5 minutes should be reduced incrementally by time played (which goes with the last part of what I said above). I could see people possibly camping in a sniper spot with a fire next to them since a lot of times in non bigger cities they like to sit partially in the woods anyhow. Also I see 5 minutes being a problem time wise but ill think on it more.
  10. Do I get a medal now?
  11. D4saken1

    I never DC in combat

    hah thanks for the medal bro i appreciate it!
  12. D4saken1

    THIS CANT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why fix the car yourself when you can let this guy do it then take it when he finishes?
  13. D4saken1

    Will never pick up a grenade again

    I use smoke grenades for misdirection or if I need a little window to switch positions when I play solo and run into a 2+ group.
  14. D4saken1

    You Say Bandits Are So Awesome... NO WAY

    Congratulations Good Sir, You are now a true Gentleman of Scholar. A toast!
  15. I play on a certain Seattle server but my friends are not of nearly as often as a gentleman of my stamina would like. If anyone on a US server would like to play together I would be glad to come play with you chaps. I prefer Mumble/Ventrillio; I do not (will not) use Skype even on a train or a plane, not here or there not anywhere. More or less I don't want to be with a group of loot farmers that just camp high end stuff for kills. I just want an active group who likes to do city runs and gather supplies with the occasional gentleman's firefight. I am a bandit not just a murderer. We can also have some tea and spotted dick. Let me know chaps.
  16. D4saken1

    Who Wants a Mustache Ride?

    It has some weird conflict issues with my computer. I also have some weird unreasonable hate for the program; I just hate something about it. Maybe I'm just an old coot.
  17. D4saken1

    Motivation for being a bandit?

    My motivation is self preservation and keeping my needs above others. I do not kill needlessly or without provocation but in some areas like the airfield or stary I do. More of a scavenger than a bandit but I kill or steal when needed. I find cars often and take them until I lose them in some manner.
  18. I was expecting it to end with. "...I've never had to kill someone before... They always kill me." He explained as we come into the marketplace, killing a few zombies that chased us in. "And now that you've learned." *bang* "never trust again."
  19. D4saken1

    Just killed a lonely survivor I dont feel mercy

    I oddly found one Sunday when I went to the medical tents/airfield area near the coast. Some guy was laying dead at the base of one of the deer stands in the base set up. I think somehow a zombie must have broke his legs or something because his coyote backpack was still there along with his FAL. Just a nice find since I had gotten placed into glitch then force spawned on the beach. Side note. My friend found a Coyote Backpack last week when we hit up the NW AF in a hangar so might be a rare spawn for up there.
  20. D4saken1

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  21. D4saken1

    DayZ Memes

    I lol'd hard.