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Posts posted by adamclifford_@hotmail.com

  1. I realise that it is within their power to kick people, but repeatedly kicking anyone who is not one of their friends seems like cheating to me since they have the whole server to themselves. From what I've seen it's the clans [bF2], [PRIDE] and [PRO] doing this.

    This kind of behavior really sucks, me and my friends spent at good 12+ hours on that server yesterday setting up a camp and repairing vehicles. The server name is also very misleading, saying it's when it's really I don't know if that's a mistake or if the admins have changed the name to keep people out.

    I also found this thread about the same issue: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?mode=linear&tid=26214&pid=231480

    For some reason adding attachements isn't working for me. You'll find the proof in the following links




    Edit: This started happening around 08:00 gmt+1, and is still happening now, 19:00 gmt+1.
