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Everything posted by ollox

  1. ollox

    Ranking system

    In Day Z you kill to survive, not for points.
  2. ollox


    Just giving a little bump because there are several threads above this that struggle with problems that I think morale would solve.
  3. ollox

    Grouping Feature

    I think you might like my idea Morale it deals with the same trust issues but isn't so restrictive. I don't think we should be imposing a certain way of playing the game.
  4. ollox


    I agree, I will add this new idea to the OP.
  5. ollox


    Are you thinking of morality? That is different to morale. Morale is simply your mood.
  6. ollox

    Extended First Aid

    Wow, someone who's actually thought about the game and taken the time to explain their idea properly! Seriously those "suggestions" that are four lines long and basically say "It would be cool if we had x/y/z" without any explanation or thought for how it would affect the game should be locked immediately. Enough of me bitching. Yes I like your idea, it makes first aid more realistic and intuitive. I'd also like to see bandages on the player that you would have to remove once the wound healed or replace if the wound takes a long time to heal.
  7. ollox

    Growing a beard

    Beard bumps!
  8. ollox

    murder counter bias

    I say get rid of counters all together - not just hide them, get rid of them completely - the only thing that matters is how long you survive. I hate that debug console: it totally breaks the immersion being able to look up at my kill count, and it sends the wrong message of what the game is about. For there to be no rules there has to be no score (other than survival time), and whatever data you display influences the player and acts just like a score. Even hunger, blood, etc. are technically scores but being only represented by colour means they can't be accurately compared by players - we don't see people boasting about how green their hunger icon is; and even if we could see the numbers it has a fixed upper-limit so there's not much scope for one-upmanship.
  9. ollox

    Weapon cleaning, maintenance.

    Some people are saying this would only affect those who stay alive long enough. Well... yeah and that's a good thing! It adds another level of challenge for long-term survivors. I don't know enough about guns to comment on what would damage it or how long it would take to degrade enough to require repair, but general cleaning and maintenance certainly seems logical.
  10. ollox

    Fix zeds indoors

    I don't think zombies should run at all. It's ridiculous if you alert them without a weapon, they are almost impossible to lose. The whole point of the game is to get into places, so that should be the hard part. The zombies should be harder to kill, but getting away from them should be fairly easy. Think about it from a core game perspective: The zombies are effectively guarding the good loot, so they should have pretty good awareness and be quite strong, but there's no reason for them to be fast as that would take them away from their "guard post". The big cities and towns should be very hard to get into undetected.
  11. There's one big issue I have with all this karma stuff and it's that there's no way to improve your humanity, you can only diminish it. You could say that using a ratio of zombie:player kills would work (eg anything < 100:1 would be a bandit) but killing zombies doesn't make you a good person. So what to do? Add in a bunch of statistics or rewards to make being humane an advantage? No, that sound very lazy and unrealistic. This game needs to stay pure, and if we have a situation where people are killing each other for no reason that means there are issues with the game that need to be addressed. Adding layers of guff on top to control the player is crap game design; it has to come from the core of the game, people have to want to work together for strategical reasons, not because of any phony reward system.
  12. ollox

    Give me 'dem teeth

    While this is quite an unique idea, and that's always good, I don't see what this would add to the game. Firstly it's useless as a kill-counter for reasons already explained. It's completely flawed as a currency too: the big problem with currencies based on items that can be found in the world (teeth, bullets, caps, etc.) is this completely undermines the value of the currency. (I underline that because others have made similar suggestions that just don't work). A currency needs to have a controlled supply, so it would have to be a player-created item or an item that has a limited quantity in the world.
  13. ollox

    Different Zombie "Attributes"

    I like the idea of players becoming zombies. It could even sometimes happen from a non-lethal bite, you'd have no indication that you were turning into a zombie other than losing control for a second here and there, then you lose control completely but can still see through the eyes of your character as he tears into your friends! It would be pretty cool to watch a Zombie's-eye-view of the game. What would you do if you knew you were becoming a zombie?
  14. ollox


    I thought about something similar: spray paint, you can paint anything on anything! I didn't post because that would probably take up too much memory, but what if it had a despawn rate or each player has a personal limit to how much paint they put down, when reached the oldest paint despawns?
  15. ollox

    [Suggestion] Blood Transfusion

    Someone else posted the same idea 3 hours before you! >:( Search first. :thumbsup:
  16. ollox

    Different Zombie "Attributes"

    Zombies types should each have distinct attributes, this makes sense as they are partially decomposed so will have lost some functionality. These different abilities make zombies far more dangerous when in packs. Eyeless - Being completely blind they have heightened senses of hearing and smell. They can detect nearby humans by smell even if silent and hidden; you need to stay downwind of them (if wind direction exists in DayZ) and wounds could make you easier to detect as they smell the blood. Fatman - They are fat and move slowly but take large amounts of damage (but don't deliver increased damage) . They are also extremely loud when alerted, attracting zombies from far away. Spasm - This becomes the only zombie that fully sprints at you. They visibly spasm and twitch as they move around when passive. They are very fast and lash out dealing a lot of damage, but aren't hard to take down if you can get a shot away first; they're not very good at sensing humans either. Stalker - Extremely good eyesight, also moves very quietly. I think these attributes compliment each other well and would bring another element of strategy to the game by making zombies more challenging. You'll have to use different strategies depending on what type of zombies are around. Spasm is the most deadly, the others act as his sensors and Fatman is the relay to call reinforcements. Alone, each can be dealt with fairly easily but together they become extremely dangerous. They can all still kill you on their own, but Spasm is freakishly strong and is the one you should be most concerned about alerting. For example, you could be near a water supply and see a Fatman and an Eyeless near it, off in the distance are some other zombies including Spasms. You cant take the near two down with a melee weapon because the Eyeless will hear you coming and alert the Fatman, who will in turn alert the zeds in the distance; and shooting the Eyeless would alert the Fatman. So unless you have a silenced ranged weapon, the best action is probably to take out the Fatman first, then deal with the Eyeless. But while you're planning your move a Stalker could sneak up behind you and ruin everything!