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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    Negative. It is common sense that if the weapon/vehicle does not spawn in the game it is not allowed to be used regardless of how you obtained it. With your interpretation of what rocket said, Friend A with a bypass could spawn in a plethora of high powered weapons (RPG's and such)/vehicles(Tanks and so forth). Friend B could then take possession of them and proceed to destroy everyone on the server, and the SA could nothing about it???? Common sense says the SA warn the player, if they don't respond they remove them. Our server has been warning people with the illegal weapons to drop them or be kicked. If they return with the weapon, they are banned. Server is still going, no blacklist.
  2. Anyone who says that a person should commit suicide because their opinion doesn't match his own is "the sorry excuse fir a human being"
  3. AADiC

    US 1509 Admin shut-down server after ambush

    As everyone can see by his/her reply, he/she is nothing but a troll. I can say that eith confidence because no persone with an ounce of common sense would agree with what i asked him. Best bet would be to just put him/her on ignore.
  4. AADiC

    US 1509 Admin shut-down server after ambush

    So let me try and understand your thoughts on this: SA can do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. If that SA does do whatever he/she wants regardless of the rules, and if you do not like it, you can go to another server. Is that about it?
  5. AADiC

    us 65 owned by CKC multiple ban

    SA should have gave you a chance to drop it. SA definitely is wrong here, give the player a chance to get rid if the item tht is not legit. If they don't then remove them from the server.
  6. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    Ypu go ahead and do whatever you like on your server, and when you so something that breaks the rules and get reported and blacklisted dont come crying here. No one will care
  7. AADiC

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    You were disrupting the server, against the rules. Commonsense comes into this, something you're lacking. If you are doing something that is denying other players the ability to play, which you are doing, the SA has the right to remove you from the server. Handle it your own way, well that just show your lack of maturity, grow up and maybe people wouldn't be such douches toward you.
  8. AADiC

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    Well, like someone else said, report them, nothing will happen. If your play style is griefing players because you got killed some yourself, well you need to grow up.
  9. AADiC

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    ^^ What he said.
  10. AADiC

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    "Anyway going back to Dayz. our little group decided to camp the spawn spots and execute all freshies." Are you serious, you can't understand how spawn killing is harassment. You said you and your friends setup on the spawn areas and killed people soon as they spawned in, so yes that is harassment. Big difference than killing people in Cherno/Electro, etc. At least those people were able to make it somewhere, do a few things, I have no problems with that.
  11. AADiC

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    If you do not see how what you're doing is 'disrupting the server", and harassing other players, well I feel bad for you. You are stopping people from being able to play the game, period. Don't hold your breath from the server to be blacklisted, it's not going to be.
  12. AADiC

    RL Friend banned on US 1037

    Really, you're bitching in another thread about you being banned for harassment, saying how its admin abuse when its not. So you come here and throw around your vast knowledge............
  13. AADiC

    NL 13/20/ - marvel are you butt hurt?

    So let me see if I understand the situation. 1. You get on his DayZ server, be a complete asshole and kill people the second they spawn. 2. Server lost players because of you being an ass. 3. SA removes you from the server. Did he break a rule, no (forgot about the harassment thing). Do you deserve to be banned, yes. Would do the same on our server if you consistently spawn camped and killed fresh spawns.
  14. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    Edit: duplicate post.
  15. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    So you were one of "those" types of kids. I see you're still a bully, and like to call people names and try and push them around, don't worry, someday you'll grow up to be a adult.
  16. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    If you don't understand how locking a server can possibly negatively affect other players by know, you never will. I pay for my server also. Everyone knows that the rules are overly restrictive, but not allowing SA's to lock or password their servers is a good rule.
  17. AADiC

    RL Friend banned on US 1037

    I was commenting on how not everyone is a scripter/hacker. The AC can make mistakes.
  18. AADiC

    RL Friend banned on US 1037

    Oh look another "BE falsely banned someone "thread. He didn't lie to the SA
  19. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    See, it can/does affect other people. He locks everything up, collects all the cool stuff (cause let's be serious only other players are a threat in this game, not the zombies), maybe even prepositions himself in a good location and server hops. So, yah someone can be affected. I agree, a lot of these rules are to restrictive, but not being allowed lock/password your server is a good rule for this type of game.
  20. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/ <----- IN this post Rocket is referring to BE bans, not server bans. With warnings it is completely legit to remove someone from a server for using scripted in weapons (common sense) Regardless of who he got the coordinates from, you cannot ban him for showing up at your base,
  21. As ridiculously restrictive as the rules are, I bet a very large majority of SA's have broken one of them, either on purpose or accidently.
  22. Contact the SA and find out why you are banned. He needs to let you know, he/she just can't add your GUID to the list without some form if explanation.
  23. AADiC

    Massive hacker camp

    DayZ Wiki
  24. AADiC

    Massive hacker camp

    And what you have in your signature is incorrect, so it seems you do not fully understand either.
  25. AADiC

    Massive hacker camp

    BTW, in that post you're linking in your Signature, he is referring to BE bans, not server bans.