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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    Global Ban, they are referring to a Global Ban, I'll say it again Global Ban. If you think that using a weapon or vehicle that IS NOT IN THE GAME AND HAS TO BE SCRIPTED/HACKED IN isn't cheating, you must have a learning disability. Please name me any other game on the market that allows you to hack in weapons that are not already in t he game. You can't because everyone in the gaming community (developers/players), minus the hackers themselves, know that is CHEATING.
  2. The problem is, all the hacker/script kiddies wont come to the servers like this cause they know they'll get booted. Seeing as how the majority of the current DayZ community is made up of AndreasB's fellow hackers, well you see where I am going with this.
  3. This person's quotes always make me laugh. He keeps talking about things are fine as long as SA's follow the rules, when he thinks he can pick and choose when he follows the rules.
  4. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    Exactly, I never said anything about a Global Ban, next excuse. If you use a scripted in weapon you are cheating, it is not in the loot table. If you can't play the game in the current form, and have to resort to using illegial weapons, you shouldn't play the game. Go play with AndreasB and hack away in CoD/BF3.
  5. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    I cannot wait till Alt-F4'ing will carry some form of penalty with it. People who "combat log" fall into the same category as people who use weapons that are not in the loot tables, cheaters/exploiters. How bogus is it for someone who has been tracking a person for kilometers, to lose their reward (loot) because some crybaby doesn't want to have to scavenge for gear/food/water again. Be a man/women, if someone was good enough to kill you, DIE, let them get the spoils, and move on. You know, you always are telling me Rocket said this, Rocket said that. Guess what, Rocket also said that the PvP part of this game is exactly what he envisioned. He likes the idea of people spying on other groups through their TS, finding out where their stash is, and raiding it. It is part of the game, and it was intended to be in the game, so if you think it ruins the game so much, maybe you should just go back to CoD/BF3 and hack away. In fact, the reason you probably hate it so much is that you are no good at it. Now it makes all the sense in the world why you hack at FPS's, you are bad at them.
  6. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    OH MY GOD!!!! "This is a Zombie Mod, and Bandits are the ones ruining the game" If all you have to worry about in this game is Zombies, you have NOTHING to worry about. You could play this game forever and never need a weapon, if all you were trying to avoid were Zombies! Oh, BTW according to Rocket they are not Zombies, they are "Infected". I can't even remotely figure out what can be fun about this game if there was no PvP. This is supposed to be a realistic post apocalyptic world, with infected people running around. Keyword there is realistic, you are going to have other people running around in this world trying to survive also. They will be doing whatever is necessary to survive, and if that means killing another human being, then that is what will happen. If you take the PvP out of this, there is ZERO challenge, none what so ever.
  7. AADiC

    LU434 - banned for having AS50 TWS

    Wow, even I think that is asinine. I don't agree with Rocket's stance on this, but really, since it is not listed in the same post, it doesn't count, SMH.
  8. I do pay for a server, they can come anytime they like, US 1023 Just because you "pay" for the server doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want, there are rules you know. (Actually I don't think you do know that) If someone said "Mother F'er" to me on TS, they would get banned, from TS, not the server. Technically you CANNOT ban anyone from your server for having a hacked item, period. With that said: Ask them to drop the scripted in weapon, if they refuse then ban them. I am in complete agreement that no one should be playing this game with a weapon that is not currently in the loot tables. Problem is, in their great wisdom, Rocket/DayZ Support team has declared that you cannot ban someone for using a weapon that is not in the loot tables (I know, ridiculous). By giving them a warning, you insulate yourself from any adverse actions for the ban. You get Beans. OP, please fill out a report on this server, he doesn't follow the rules, and has said he will do whatever in the hell he wants. Should be enough to get him blacklisted.
  9. No Sir, I am not kidding you. Then ban them from your TS. Ask them to drop the scripted in weapon, if they refuse then ban them. I am in complete agreement that no one should be playing this game with a weapon that is not currently in the loot tables. Problem is, in their great wisdom, Rocket/DayZ Support team has declared that you cannot ban someone for using a weapon that is not in the loot tables (I know, ridiculous). By giving them a warning, you insulate yourself from any adverse actions for the ban. Again, it is not your job to be the "Age Police". That is their parent's job, and if their parents don't have an issue with them playing the game, you have no right to supersede it. I am not flaming you, I am just saying that the way you are handling this can get you in some hot water with the Support staff.
  10. You, as the SA need to provide concrete proof that they are hacking. Even if they called you names in TS, that is not a reason to ban them from the server. How do you know how old they are, and like others have said not your job to enforce that. Clear my ase of admin abuse if there ever was one.
  11. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    Then you are a cheater, and if your found using one on our server and don't drop it after being warned you'll be banned. It amazes me that anyone can think it is OK to use something that isn't in the loot tables.
  12. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    Not currently in the loot tables, thus anyone who uses one is a cheater, period.
  13. This is awesome, got my popcorn and soda!!!!
  14. AADiC

    LU434 - banned for having AS50 TWS

    Agree, get rid of it and your ban should be removed by the SA's
  15. "Edited your homophobic slur out. Stop, ok" Wow.
  16. AADiC

    alt f4 question

    Of course you would dislike a statement by someone that addresses the advantages cheaters/hackers gain over legit players.
  17. If they get a warning, and dont get rid of the weapon, the should/will be removed. Play the game the way it is supposed to be played. If you need to cheat to play the game, you shouldn't be playing it.
  18. Its kinda bogus but can be lived with as long as what you took was readily availible elsewhere in the game
  19. Really, so someone who completely disrupts the server and makes it impossible for other people to play/enjoy the game is better than someone who removes a player because they use scripted/hacked weapons, or removed players for teleporting/throwing people 50M into the air etc..... You said you don't play on other servers, you don't play on your server much, you have no idea how bad the hacking/scripting is. You being a hacker yourself lends your opinions towards them. It is pretty simple to understand, you said "Im not saying that people cant hack, cheat or exploit. I'm, saying ADMINS should follow DAYZ RULES" - People can hack/cheat/exploit if they so choose (Breaking the rules) - SA's have to follow the rules regardless that players are cheating/hacking/exploiting. There is no ambiguity in what you said.
  20. Please read my signature for a very enlightening quote from AndreasB :) AndreasB's definition of Admin abuse = Removing players from servers when they refuse to quit using scripted/hacked in weapons and vehicles.
  21. AADiC

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    Oh, ok I see. The SA's have to follow the rules, but the players don't, got it. Instance #54698759 of "Open mouth, insert foot" Do you even think about what your saying before you hit "Post"????
  22. AADiC

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    That's why you let them know it is not legit, and ask them to drop it.
  23. AADiC

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    Sigh, they do have rules, same as here. No hacking No cheating No exploiting You don't follow the rules there, so you can't come here and tell everyone that "You have to follow the rules because the Dev's say so" Again, you're the one getting mad, as evident by your name calling, telling people to "Fuck off" You can't seem to try and argue your point without doing it, It shows your maturity level, or lack thereof.