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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. And yet there are "team" members in this thread saying this is a GOOD idea. Give it up, it's cheating plain and simple, and anyone with a brain in their head would know that and not allow people to do it, regardless of what Rocket says.
  2. I'm totally against people using hacked weapons. With that said there is a post somewhere that says that, I'll look later.
  3. And SA's that allow players to use scripted in weapons are doing a bad job. Hell, you have a "Team" member here saying that it is a great idea, that should tell you something, IT'S WRONG to use them! BE is a POS, but you shouldn't have to deal with it
  4. AADiC

    US 1542 Bans PVPers

    Unless this server is on a privste hive, he can't ban people for pvp. With that being said, nothing will come about if he does. If he gets reported, like he has, nothing will be done. My advice is to find a new server.
  5. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    What he said, smart-ass remarks from some Mods are common, problem they shouldn't be.
  6. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    Yah, like anyone will believe you are married with the way you're posting.
  7. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    Really, mom jokes..... but hey, if you are into necrophilia, I wont judge you.
  8. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    Oh no, I am scared/sad, you called me a name on the interwebs!!!! In the other thread you said something about school being out, kinda funny that you are the one following me around the forums calling me names, lol.
  9. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    Sounds good to me :)
  10. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    Shit, schools been out for me for 26 years. You on the otherhand.........
  11. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    Putting yourself down by calling yourself names on the forums isn't very healthy
  12. AADiC

    Banned from CA1

    "I'm the most level headed person you could have ever known" "Also the reason I banned you is because you asked over global voice chat you DUMB FUCK" "rofl get off my dick vader" Yes, you most definitely are the most immature little kid I have ever met. You banned him because he asked over global chat if a vehicle is hacked in or not, what a jackass. I understand that it's a private server, but that is still a dick move.
  13. AADiC

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    Yah, how dare you make a mistake. Dont you know that SA's have to be perfect, only the players are allowed to break the rules and get away with it. Seriously, you have read the rules that SA'S have to follow??????
  14. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Wow, customer service @ its finest.
  15. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yah, how dare we buy a game to just play a Mod... SMH
  16. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I am the exact type of person that should be running a server. I am the SA that will make sure that everyone has a fun/fair experience on the server. You on the other hand would be the opposite, hands off, the worse type of SA, blindly following a set of rules that favor hackers/scripters. Anyways, we have gone off topic. /conversation
  17. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So your saying it is ok, for a group of people to camp were you zone in, and shot you immediately? I'm not talking about being in Cherno or Electro, I'm talking about being right on the coast and killing you as soon as you spawn.
  18. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Problem is, when your server loses its players because of something like this.
  19. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It's not my fault that there is a set of rules that are completely asinine. I can't kick a player because they are using a hacked weapon, BS, cheating is cheating. Oh yah, I can kick for racism and homophobic ranting. Morals has nothing to do with it, not a damn thing, it's called common sense, something that was lacking when the "rules" were made. If a group of people are camping the spawn points and killing people the second they spawn, they do not deserve to play on the server and are banned. That is just one example of things that get people banned. Now your "power" comment, same damn thing, nothing to do with power, everything to do with common sense.
  20. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    SA's in every game that I have ever known, and I have been around since Q1 days, have had the capability of removing people from their server. This only makes sense, why in the hell would someone run a server for public game-play and not be allowed to remove hacking/disruptive players? You still need a SA around to remove players, always will. To say that under normal circumstances you do not need to do anything with your server is just false. There are so many times that I was paged (yes, I am that old) to come in and remove someone from the server for just be a complete asshole to everyone. Anyways, we will have to wait and see how this game shapes up, but if they don't have Official servers, and don't allow SA's to police their servers, the game will not be as successful as it could be.
  21. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yes, lets take away all powers from SA's so when, not if, the hackers find a way to circumvent whatever AC this has, the game will be even more unplayable than it is now. If this game doesn't have "Official Servers", and takes all powers from people who host, the game will fail, and that will be to bad because it has the potential to be great.
  22. It amazes me that people blindly follow the almighty Rocket's words. Use the brains you were given, they took the weapons out of the game for a reason, now what reason they have to then say, "but as long as you didn't script it in, you can use them" is beyond logic, if they do not want the weapons in the game, then don't use them, SMH. Edit: "but i can 100% for sure say that in all the times i've played there never once has it said in the bottom left using hacked guns aren't allowed (why would i assume differently when rocket says it's fine)." Because it is common sense that is why you would.
  23. AADiC

    Did you know scripters can get you banned?

    Boodgie, guess that is that.