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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC

    Zombies are OP ATM

    Again, must be a you/server thing. Watched people elude zeds, run into bldg., turn and kill them (as always), never saw anyone get hit by a zed running away.
  2. AADiC

    Zombies are OP ATM

    Watched a few streams tonight and that NEVER happened, you are doing something wrong.
  3. AADiC


    No one is telling you how to play. Many people play this game and are not Bandits, and do fine. The key word in that last sentence was "game", nothing to get all riled up about. This allows people to do something they would/could not do IRL. If that is to kill everyone on site, well hide better. Watch people stream all the time that get in and out of cities with gear/supplies and alot of the time, they kill a few folks trying to kill them.
  4. AADiC


    No he doesn't, he's just tired of somebody pressing their way of thinking/playing on him and everyone else.
  5. AADiC


    Why is it wrong? That is the way they enjoy playing the game. I enjoy playing the game by killing people, taking any good gear they have, and hiding the body :P
  6. AADiC


    Someone needs to go outside or something. Why do you feel the need to trash talk people because they enjoy killing other players? You want a friendly, co-op game, maybe this isn't for you.
  7. AADiC

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    Didn't read or hear Rocket say that, spying and such, like in this case, he finds acceptable? I mean this is a game of survival, they did what they had to do. Plus, it's only a game, if you get this hurt over a game, maybe you shouldn't be playing them in the first place.
  8. GL, you are trying to ask for changes to a game, that by the Dev's own admissions is going the direction he wants.
  9. Lets see, Puddn's stream. He is an excelent sniper with a group to support him, and he has died. The guys I play with, killed several snipers. Yes, yes, I know "group", well like we have been trying to tell you, this is how Rocket envisioned the game. He has said it numerous times, so maybe, if you don't want to group, this is not the game for you. This is supposed to be as realistic of a game as possible. If, IRL Zombie apoc, I happen to have a high powered sniper rifle, seems legit to me to setup outside a town on a hill and let someone else do my scavenging for me while I stay up here in relative safety, then waste them and get my loots. Seems like you are a "nice guy", me on the other hand, I would be trying to survive. Hooking up with complete strangers, not going to happen. Having a group of people I know, to help survive, hell yes.
  10. People die in this game all the time, even the ones who are armed to the teeth. When that happens they go scavenge for the gear again, find the gear, and start killing again until they die. The cycle repeats for everyone. I play with a group of about 20 guys, we don't all have High powered sniper rifles, hell only about 5-6 do. Not everyone has top tier gear.
  11. You really do need to read up on what Rocket wants for this game, because allowing the players to dictate what happens and how the gameplay goes is EXACTLY what he wants, and has said numerous times.
  12. Only been playing this game for 6 days, but I can say that I have only been sniped 3x. Being careful, has saved my arse quite a few times. TBH in a real world scenario, being on your own will be as bad a situation as being on your own in this game......
  13. No, everyone wont have military hardware, but there will be a bunch of it out there in a "Real World" scenario. As frustrating as it is being sniped without being seen, that is what alot of people like about this game. This is Rockets vision, and as evident by the popularity of the game, it is something that 100's of thousands of people like also.This isn't meant in a bad way, seems like you prefer the play style of mineZ, so play that, and those of us that like this play style will play DayZ.Having name tags period is a bad idea, like someone said, soon as they're visible, a known PK will not stand a chance in the game, his name will be plastered all over the forums. Now, if you are able to change your name , like you can now, that isn't that bad I guess. As long as I can change my name like I can now, the name tags are not that bad, that way I can get a good "murder" count, change name to avoid being known to everyone and continue to kill people on site.
  14. AADiC

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Here is a novel idea: Ask the Admin to turn BE on, face removal of the server....
  15. AADiC

    Seattle 35 Removed

    I guess I should elaborate. I am focusing more on server administration. Specifically server admins that want to be able to make room for clan mates or friends. Admins that want to lock down the server for an afternoon or evening for a clan event, or just a "friends" event. Now I know the rules, and will follow them, I just think that someone that reports an.admin/server because they did one of the above is a little ridiculous, just my humble opinio
  16. AADiC

    Seattle 35 Removed

    What I don't fully understand is that there are so many servers out there, why are people making it their mission in life to report every little thing. If you do not lime how a server is run, move on to another, there are entry to choose from.
  17. AADiC

    Seattle 35 Removed

    I agree that having it off is bad. With that said, I did not see where it said it had to be on in those condition