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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. Not even close to being a server hopper. I guess you only play on 1 server 100% of the time.
  2. AADiC

    link player ID to the forums

    Thing is, you can change your in game name.
  3. So you went to Story alone to get weapons, yeah.................
  4. If I see you and you don't have a weapon, chances are you are safe. If I see a weapon, I'll do my best to kill you regardless if you seem to be a threat or not.
  5. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    To what? There is no higher being, so why convert to something that is not based on facts?
  6. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    So for those of us that don't believe in " The Lord" supposed to do?
  7. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    What I see there is a women who has more balls than you will ever have.
  8. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    I don't see the issue with all same sex org's. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, fraternitys, sororities, what's the big deal?
  9. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    @ OP, I would suggest to just ignore the trolls. They have to be trolling. I hope your group.takes.off in DayZ. @Dingus, Do you consider the Military a discriminatory group?
  10. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    I just can't understand how something like creating a all girls days clan is so offensive. FFS, its not a real organization, its creation does not adversely affect anything.
  11. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    @Dingus: It's a game, can't think of any reason to give her shit other than to just argue or troll
  12. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    With all the bullshit that is going on in the world, you choose to grief someone in a ONLINE GAME because they want to make a.group of all women/girls. Unbelievable.
  13. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    Completely missed the point.........
  14. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    MoronZ SMH
  15. AADiC

    LaDZ Night

    Holy shit, calling her sexist is plain retarded, know why, IT'S A GAME. Why do you care if it is a women's only group? The only reason I can figure out is to TROLL. If this was a RL thing then maybe, and I use that word lightly, it would be worth raising the "why women only", but it's not RL it's a game so let them do what the hell they want.
  16. AADiC

    Rocket's overall plan.

    He never had plans for this to be released, he even said it was a small project that was meant for close friends. Then somehow it made its way into the "public jungle" and took off. After being a alpha/beta tester for many mods/games, I have seen worse, and have seen better. Hell, was one of the first people to play Team Fortress back in the day, and let me tell you, it had many many bugs. It surely didn't start out perfect. This game will make it just fine. Yes it is frustrating that the last patch has screwed something's up, I just took a few days off. Been watching a lot of streams and from what buddies of said its not as bad as some of you are saying
  17. AADiC

    Mountain Dew???

    Yes it is
  18. AADiC

    How to make DayZ much more realistic

    No such thing as a griefer in this game.
  19. AADiC

    I Can't even Play this game!!!

    I am one of those bandits, but I will usually not kill someone who has no weapon, just seems fair. Now, if you have a weapon in your hand, fair game :P. Keep at it, also getting with a group is a good idea. I'll get a link for yeah to our groups page, if you want to join, just sign up, say Moore sent you in the app
  20. AADiC


    I'm hoping that you're trolling here. Why do it, because it's a game. It allows people to do things they can't do IRL. People take it to seriously.
  21. Its bugged, will be fixed. I suggest not equipping one.
  22. AADiC


    Who is stopping you from getting the same gear as them, not them. Why is it that when someone can't seem to get some basic supplies, then hunt around for higher level weapons, it is someone else s fault?Anyways, I'll pick back up tomorrow, have a good night.
  23. If I hear someone yelling in Mic "friendly don't shoot", I think it's a trap, and shoot
  24. I'll put $10, says this game not only makes it to a "stand alone" version, but does quite well. You can never please everyone.