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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. Wow you have some anger issues. What is stopping me from saying the same thing you are about doing my due diligence in investigating a possible hacker/cheater, and instead of posting their info, I post the GUID of the player that killed me and raided and destroyed my camp? I believe you that he did something wrong. All I am saying is that there are many "bad" people/admins out there. There should be a rule that you are not allowed to post players GUID's in forums, but rather PM them to a staff member for resolution.
  2. AADiC

    Banned from FR50

    Saying that something is suspicious because of his Zed/human kills are "low" for the gear he has is BS. I have respawned after a death, hit Cherno up, got basic supplies, headed to Story Sober, got loaded up on gear, found a heli crash, got nvg's and GPS and had 12 zed kills and 0 murders.
  3. I agree, you should PM a staff member the GUID's. As you say you are a honest man, there are plenty of shady people out there cod do exactly what the previous poster said and post the GUID of someone they don't like in place of someone who actually did the cheating/hacking. You can filter the forum me member list by position to find the staff members.
  4. AADiC

    Global Banned

    It defies commonsense to spend in excess of $900 (or any amount of money) on something and not be able to use it.
  5. Like I said juvenile, I see locked servers all the time, but I don't run to the forums and report them. Did you try and contact the Admins to see if there is a reason for it? (Guessing not)
  6. There are so many servers, so instead of crying about it here go and get on another server, get another bus, profit. Just seems juvenile to me that people report every "little" offense they see. Them having the server locked is not stopping you from playing, inconveniencing you, yes, breaking the rules, yes, but there are so many other larger "game breaking issues that need fixing.
  7. AADiC

    Global Banned

    I understand now, you're just plain stupid.
  8. AADiC

    Global Banned

    Surely you didn't spend you money to play this game and get banned.
  9. Is that the only server you are able to play on?
  10. Not a bad server, think Ill have my m8's come over and we will explore some. You must not have read my posts either, I gave you a completely plausible explanation on why there are multiple GUID's from the same IP.
  11. That's the beauty of it, I can add my 2 cents. Asking for his GUID's to be globally banned in ridiculous. You can not say with 100% certainty that he is using them for hacking/cheating. Oh yah, thought you said several posts back you were done with this thread :P Think I'll come try out your server, see what all the talk is about.
  12. See you have no idea of what is going on. Three people play this game in my house, thus three different GUID's, but same IP. SO by your reasoning all 3 of us, my two kids and me should be on the global ban list? You should really learn facts before you go spouting nonsense in the forums. P.S. It isn't a banable offense to own more than one copy of the game either. People with such little knowledge of things shouldn't talk like they know what they are talking about.
  13. AADiC

    Banned for Atlanta 73

    Seems easy enough to me to understand. You admitted to cheating, all the rest is irrelevant.
  14. @FAZ. So because I have multiple GUID's on my IP I am a hacker. You should really think before you type, you are making yourself look like a fool
  15. AADiC

    Banned from US106 for nothing.

    Please let me know if you are ever a Server Admin so I can avoid your server. Assuming that I know what everyone in my 80 plus group does is not feasible. What is stopping someone from putting on a clan tag, then acting like a idiot. It is a sad state of affairs when you have to lean to the side of guilt by association, but that is where we are in DayZ
  16. AADiC

    Banned from US106 for nothing.

    Yeah you should have known they were douchbags the first time you ever met them in a online game.........
  17. AADiC

    Banned for Atlanta 73

    Sorry duplicate post.
  18. AADiC

    Banned for Atlanta 73

    Wow threatening the server admin, not to smart.
  19. Sorry, I wasn't referring to your case. We had someone do it on our server,and admit to it. That is what is was asking about.
  20. So when a player actually admits to server hoping to get position on you in order to kill you, which he did, we can't ban them from the server?
  21. You say your a vet of gaming at 21, hell I have been playing games longer than you have been alive. There is not one game out there, PC at least, that hasn't been plagued by hackers/cheaters/botters. I agree that things need fixing, but for how much $ I have invested in this compared to how much :) I have got out of it, I would say it's a good investment. Regardless of what game you play you will run into hackers, it is just a fact of life.
  22. AADiC

    US 708 [ZN] ZedNecks Camp Raid

    Ahh, part of raiding. Take the stuff you want and destroy the rest.