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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. Now, in any other game you might have a point. Reserving slots for clan m8's/friends is common practice. Problem is, this is DayZ and that is not allowed. He has to follow the rules or risk losing his connection to the Hive. You might not agree with it, but that is the current rule. This particular server admin went about this in the wrong way. He deserves to have his server blacklisted. He does not have the level of maturity needed to run a server.
  2. Can you join other servers still?
  3. Again, with more name calling and "assuming" If he just hoped in for a ride, it's not a global ban. If what he says is true, oh BTW found a spawned A10 on my server yesterday down by the beach, jumped in it, flew it out into the water and crashed it (by your reasoning I use scripts and should receive a global ban), then he doesn't deserve any ban.
  4. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    Just curious, do you feel that way for all games, MW3/CoD/MoH/Quake. I do understand why locking and only allowing "Clan m8's" in would be an advantage. When the game gets out of Alpha, I wont understand if server owners are not allowed to have reserved spots, issue temp/full time bans. Anywho, I think we have talked the life out of this, have a great day everyone.
  5. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    I didn't answer " You have to admit that it is very tempting to issue bans out of emotional reasons", because, at least for me, there is no temptation. No tangent here, I was commenting on how ridiculous I think it is saying "Admin's shouldn't play on their own servers" This is the first game I have played/been a server admin, that server owners are told what they can/can't kick/ban for. Especially being told that I, as a server owner, can not ban someone for doing something as blatantly obvious of a cheat as leaving the server to get position on me, coming back and killing me. Anyways, I am going to bed, have a good night.
  6. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    I have been playing online games since about 1996, I have never run into anyone "thinking it was a good idea not to play on their own server".
  7. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    No post was "quoted", and some of your statements were generalized.
  8. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    1. Agreed 2. Agreed, but to say that I cannot play and admin is a load of BS. 3. Who are you to tell me I cannot be impartial, you don't know me. You have no idea what I am capable of. To say EVERY admin is "not capable of being impartial" is absolutely ridiculous, and insulting. I gave 1 person a Perm Ban from my server today for spawning a Heli and flying around killing people. People saw it happen, checked the logs, issued the ban. The server is a better place to play now. We will continue to do the same to those found cheating/hacking on the server.
  9. AADiC

    Admin Abuse Video US 750

    Not all Admins are like him. If you take away the Admin's ability to remove players from their server, you'll see the number of servers dwindle down quickly till there are not enough servers to play on.
  10. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    So his claim that he logged to get better position, came back and killed him isn't s severe offense? I would like to play on the server you all are, so I can do this, kill you, and take your stuff. It is complete crap, that us admins have our hands tied like this. It is cheating, and if he did it once he'll do it again. Saying that Admins shouldn't be allowed to play on their own servers is asinine. That rule ever comes to fruition, you'll lose every server out there other than the ones provided by the by the Dev's
  11. AADiC


    You typed 2 posts and didn't notice every letter was capitalized ?????
  12. AADiC

    US 945 admin abuse

    Lol, you can show admin abuse but won't so you can suck up to the admin??????
  13. Just curious, in your day to day activities you observe someone breaking some minor rule, say surfing sites.on the internet at work that they shouldn't. Do you get right up and go tell the boss?
  14. AADiC

    Why Ban Me

    Reading comprehension is your friend, well not yours. Combat logging/ghosting are the reasons
  15. You must not have watched the video. It is the most comprehensive server admin there is for DayZ
  16. I would also love to use the this, will check in daily for more info.
  17. AADiC

    Admins Using Hacks/Mods?

    We do NOT have special powers. We can NOT TP anyone, we can NOT insta kill anyone. Now, if the admin can do these things if he/she is using the same hacks as a normal player.
  18. what server provider is this?
  19. AADiC

    it says Global ban 84bd

    Pot calling the kettle black......
  20. Yah he was server hopping, seriously. What in his post suggests that?
  21. AADiC

    Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

    Fix the anti cheat so a legit program can run in game like it does.with every other game out there That is the proper solution. PROBLEM SOLVED
  22. If he is just standing there killing you as you respawn, don't see a reason for ban?
  23. AADiC

    LU209 Kicking

    Yeah I am calling shenanigans. I watched the player list for about half an hour before I tried to join and the only 3 people on the server were the one mentioned above. I tried to join 3x and was kicked 3x.
  24. Glimmermang please removed e your IP. Bad people can do bad things with it