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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC

    Banned from a server.

    Simple, they are cheaters also.
  2. AADiC

    Elysium Corps

    Way to revive a dead thread.
  3. AADiC

    [Elysium] Department of Defence

    If you feel the need to "win" at something like this, well.....
  4. Most of us have moved on, the game is filled with hackers. Aelus, for some reason revived this dead thread, no one cares.
  5. AADiC

    [Elysium] Department of Defence

    Nah, he didn't fail, the game failed. People moved on, seems like you haven't though.
  6. Way to raise a dead thread, no one cares any longer, but you it seems.
  7. We are telling you, you cannot get a global ban for high ping only a local ban Edit: and u shouldnt get banned for it anyways
  8. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    On many, many servers you will get banned, it's cheating.
  9. AADiC

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    I understand you point of view. I think it is best we just agree to disagree, like I said I don't think your a bad person, just can't wrap my head around how you and others feel. They remove something because it is OP or for whatever reason, the make a rule that says as long as you didn't hack it in you can use it. One contradicts the other???? I'm going to play GW2, have a good weekend :D
  10. AADiC

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Oh no, I have repeatedly said that this specific "rule" is asinine, and that either they don't have to time to be bothered by it or they just don't care. I don't think you are a "bad person", i just can't understand how you can stand by something that is so obviously wrong and contradictory.
  11. AADiC

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Removing people for this is the right thing to do, why there is a rule that says otherwise defies common sense. A rule that encourages cheating, kind of a oxymoron isn't it. /discussion
  12. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Wrong, no pissing match what so ever. A discussion about why people can't use common sense. The weapons were removed from the game for a reason, thus they should not be used, not by people who introduce them into the game and not by people who find them on dead bodies, period. Almost every person who was advised that the weapon they were using was a hacked weapon got rid of it, because they realize that it was the right thing to do. They continued to play on the server and there was no issue. People who hid behind the "Rule" were kicked, and IF they returned with it, they were banned. Now, if they knew about the "Rule", they surely knew they could appeal the ban in the forums, yet none did, weird. You continue on your crusade to get all us Big Bad Admins who do this blacklisted or whatever, and when it is all over, we will still be here, removing cheaters from the servers to ensure that the rest of the legit players have a good and fair experience. /discussion
  13. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    My job is to ensure that players on my server have the best and fairest gaming experience they can. That is not possible with people running around using weapons that were REMOVED from the game because they are OP. Think what you want, if they (Rocket and his team) were so adamant about this, do you think they would allow the threads that advertise the Automatic kick/ban of people using hacked weapons? Would they allow people working for them to endorse these items? EDIT: Your comment about arguing this across other threads. You're right, trying to talk sense, trying to understand how anyone can endorse using hacked in weapons just defies common sense.
  14. AADiC

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    You're right, no complaints because they know they are in the wrong and are mature enough not to hide behind some BS rule, they just move on. Hackers ruin game play for everyone else on a server, in a gaming community. I remove them from the server to stop that, no comparison. I don't know why they haven't spoken up, maybe they are to busy, maybe they just don't give a shit. Nothing can be said by anyone that can convince me that allowing players to use weapons that were REMOVED from the game because they create an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE should be allowed to be used just because you didn't introduce them. If they wanted people to be able to use them in game they would have left them IN THE GAME. There you go again, cannot discuss a subject without resorting to name calling.
  15. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Yes, you are in a category, people who have no common sense. People who would rather have a server full of people who can't play a game the proper way and have to cheat and ruin the gaming experience of others. Maybe the rules made sense when they were made, but the lack of them not being re-visited when it is obvious that they are not working as intended is pitiful. It is obvious, even to DayZ Team members, that people using hacked weapons should stop or be removed from servers as seen by their posts. I'm not sure where you get that I have a hard time in these forums, I am in the majority, especially on this subject. Numerous people kick/banned from the server for this issue, server was never blacklisted.
  16. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Everyone is different. Then you have people like Bushman and AndreasB that come in here and say, "Hackers are better than you because you kick people for cheating". So yes, because we have to put up with people like them on a daily basis, there is nothing wrong with a "Thank You" every once in awhile.
  17. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Really, just because somebody chooses to do something, they don't deserve a thank you? And it has been said numerous times that only people using hacked weapons deserve the kick/ban, but you keep bringing up the opposite.
  18. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    Following the rules that lean to hackers/cheaters/exploiters is not an option, it is stupidity to not penalize someone for using something that other players can't get/use. Why it is so hard for people like you and AndreasB to get that through your heads boggles the mind. Some of the DayZ staff themselves think that it is a good idea to get rid of these players.
  19. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    You keep talking about "legal" weapons, this is about banning for weapons that are no longer in dayz. How many times does that have to be said?
  20. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    And you are missing our point, if you are told the weapon you have no longer spawns in the game, and gives a large advantage over other players, and still choose to use the weapon, you are cheating. You were told that you have a hacked weapon, if you choose to continue to use it, you move from innocent (I didn't know), to cheater (I know that it is not legit, but I am going to get rid of it)
  21. AADiC

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    You and AndreasB are two peas in a pod. Anyone who says this, and thinks that we should listen to their opinion on anything is deranged. Hacker = Someone whos sole purpose is to ruin the fun/game-play of others. SA = Kicks/Bans cheaters/hackers/exploiters so that people can have a fair playing field. SA > Hacker. Saying that a hacker is better than a SA who kicks/bans players who cheat is insane. The rule not allowing SA's to remove them from the server is asinine, it favors cheaters/exploiters, how can you support that???/
  22. AADiC

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    NVM, you cant reply in a mature fashion, I am not going to waste my time. We have kicked and/or banned many folks for this, and never was blacklisted, it's not going to happen. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93372-automatically-ban-users-of-invalid-hacked-items/ <----- Post 7, a "team member" like the idea. Not kicking and banning people who are cheating is plain stupid. If you tell someone that the weapon is no longer a spawn in the game and to get rid of it, and they don't, a kick is more than appropriate. People need to quit blindly following a rule set that favors hackers/cheaters/exploiters and use some common sense.
  23. AADiC

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Tell you what Bushman, i,ll send you a pm when im home crom work. You come to the served posessing an hacked in weapon, ill warn you to geg rid if it. If you dont ill kick you, if you return with it, ill ban you. You can file your report and we will see what happens, sound good to you?
  24. Don't care, weapon doesn't spawn in game. So legit players cant get it, so anyone with one either has to get rid of it or get banned.
  25. AADiC

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed
