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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. Ahh, I think you have shown by your lack of knowledge exactly who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't.
  2. You are seriously hurt over this aren't you. Move on, go buy a bunch of servers and pull all the people playing on ours away from us. Trademark/Copyright the name (good luck with that). It's a game, no reason to get this upset.
  3. AADiC

    banned from us 913

    Thought you said you were done, doesn't look like it???
  4. AADiC

    AS50 TWS - TX20

    What the hell are you reporting him for, lol. For linking negative posts about your server
  5. AADiC

    us186 banned no reason

    Two reasons why that would never work. The first is that you would find your list of servers dwindle down quite a bit. If I cannot play on the server that I am paying for, well I just will not pay for it any longer. Second, there is no way to enforce Admins not being able to play on their own server. I can change my name to anything I like in this game. I do not have to login as admin when playing the game. So how are they going to determine that the Admin is indeed playing on his/her server? Not all Admins are bastards. When you find a server where the Admin is a bastard, leave and find another place to play.
  6. AADiC

    Please unban

    Which ones do you use?
  7. AADiC

    Please explain.

    Never said i wasn't old :P
  8. AADiC

    Please explain.

    Don't listen to some of these jaded old men. If you really didn't do anything wrong, and its your server. You will need to go to the Battle Eye site and plead your case with server logs to show you're innocent. On a different note, I would hate to be near some of you folks in real life. The immediate negativity and distrust is horrible. You must live a really hard life not trusting anyone ever.
  9. You are right, we don't use them over TeamSpeak, because the military doesn't use TeamSpeak. Wiki, really, your basis of fact is Wiki!!!!!!!
  10. Well, like I said Admin "powers" alone are not enough to do what you said, sooooooo If they were admins and fishy stuff happened, they are using hacks also. Building a base like that isn't impossible BTW.
  11. So I understand, was it still within the borders of the map? If it was, what is so hard to believe that he/they didn't build that? How much time between when you killed him and the camp "changed"
  12. Admins do NOT have any special power. We can restart/kick/ban, that is about it. If they were doing more than that, they were using some hacks.
  13. AADiC

    [<3]sgt.SalemkoLol evading pvp

    We also will kick you for Combat logging, if the behavior continues, you get a 24hr temp ban, if you continue, you get a perm ban. Like the OP said, this is the only game of this type I have played that doesn't allow the server admins to enforce "common sense" rules ontheir servers. With all that being said, yes, you run the chance of being blacklisted, but to be totally honest, the Devs do not have time to research smal infractions like this. If they did research every claim of this, they would never have time to continue working on the game.
  14. Going on 22 years in the Military, and I can say 100% that what you said is not true. Alphanumeric codes are still used today. Seeing as how you are the one that is calling people names/insulting them, more likely you are the 16 year old. Edit: OMG you killed some of us, OHHH NO, you killed someone in a online game.....
  15. Such a "butthurt" person. From everything that current members say about you, anybody will be an improvement in the leadership position.
  16. Obviously not a racial slur, are you kidding me!! Something needs to be done about this guy. He continues to boot anyone that joins his server. No reason given, mainly because you don't even make it into the game before you are kicked. Blatantly breaking the rules setup by Rocket, his server needs to be Blacklisted and lose connect to the Hive.
  17. OP, please do not feed the above Troll.
  18. http://dayzmod.com/f...e-video-us-750/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41150-us750-kicking-players-without-cause/ Please see that thread, the Admin is abusing his power, and should be blacklisted.
  19. What the hell are you talking about!!! Explain how because someone is streaming DayZ it invites hackers?????!! That is the craziest thing I have heard in a long time. Hackers come to DayZ because the anti cheat is horrible.
  20. AADiC

    SCO 27 Admins not fairplay

    Sorry to say, but combat logging is not a banable offence per the current rules set forth by the.devs
  21. If he isn't concealing his name and the server name he is on, then yes it is his fault
  22. Switching servers to get position on someone is/should be a completely legit reason to boot someone from a server.
  23. Wow what an ass. I bet if you ask Rocket he wouldn't share your opinion.
  24. AADiC

    Banned from CA1?

    See that is where the issue starts. Sadly there are many immature admins out there that are banning people that do not deserve it. If the guy spawned the heli himself, ban. If he just got a ride, no ban. Admin needs to show logs where he spawned the heli or cheated in some other way or remove ban. Though after reading what is going on in this server I would suggest finding another place to play