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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. If you are truely innocent, and since the admin seems to not want to follow the rules set forth. You should press the issue to the Dev's/staff and let them know.
  2. Can you provide the link where they said that, thanks.
  3. Yeah, because we know no one ever gets things wrong or reports falsely, smh.
  4. GL, by the current rule set you're in the wrong by not providing any form of proof for the ban. Not saying I agree with the all the rules. I would say that if the OP pushed the issue, and you couldn't produce the logs or some form of proof other than "Jimmy Bob said so", you'll lose.
  5. AADiC

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    Us 30 Midwest, come play anytime.
  6. AADiC

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    Well said, you get the beans!!
  7. AADiC

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    You're going to hate when they fix the exploit. Chances are that there will be some form of timer stoping you from instantly logging out. You can come to US 30 anytime and try out what your talking about, so easy to elude people when under fire and get to a clear area far away, but you're welcome to try.
  8. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    Yep, so many hackers/cheaters.
  9. It's all on you to provide the proof, and "the word of your regulars/admins online" is not enough. Need video/SS's, logs, otherwise you run the chance of getting your server blacklisted.
  10. AADiC

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    The server admin is the one that needs to provide proof on why the person was banned.
  11. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    It's common sense, person exploits, person can't play on my server. Saying a admin is immature because they ban someone for exploiting the game is crazy. It's not our fault that the rules favor hackers/cheaters.
  12. BE is one of the worst, if not the worst Anti-Cheat programs there is.
  13. Since you quoted him: Report the post then, simple as that.
  14. Didn't even realize that happened, hard to type on this phone. So what did I do wrong asking if he was going to school in Denver? Was known to the some folks in the clan, and you can find the personal info online anyways. He is the owner of the website, a quick whois on elysiumcorps.org and you'll have it. Hey found out you can ignore folks on the forum so, been nice talking to you, and btw that isn't one of our camps.
  15. You win!!!!!! It is amazing that you know so much about me. You know, you should forget about college and just be a Psychic, you are talented!!!!
  16. @ Aelus: " For one, getting better at life? You're sitting online right now, doing military like operations on a zombie apocal ypse on the PC. I'm being accepted into college and pl aying a sport.... yes in comparsion my life is horrible n ext to yours. Don't get it." 1. Sitting watching TV, haven't played more than 30 minutes continuous in more than a week 2. Was accepted to college, and completed college 23 years ago. 3. Anyone can play sports, did it for 14 years growing up. So, anything else?
  17. AADiC

    Major Duping/Scripting

    Why should the server be shut down? As widespread as hacking is, having a server shut down because it has hacked items on it is a little drastic. If they shut down all servers with hacked items on them there would not be many left.
  18. How do you "ignore"/"block" someone on these forums?
  19. AADiC


    Actually kodabar, you're wrong. Go to your name in the top right corner, click on Ignore Pref's, add names.
  20. 1. It's a game, you take a game so serious it is pathetic. "Go get better", ok I'll jump right on dedicating time to "getting better" at a online game........ 2. More insults, maybe if you spent more time "Getting better" at life, never mind waste of time. (Yes I know it's a insult, but I figure you would probably understand that better than reasoning or common sense. 3. You're right I wasn't around. It is based on "kids" and adults opinions of you. You use the word "kids" and "pre-teens" a lot, you're still a kid, that's ironic.
  21. Where exactly did I do that? Anyways, you like one style of game play we like another, to each his own. If you want to keep stirring the pot with Aelus be my guest.
  22. So many errors in your post there. The glaring one is the Pre-Teen comment, hell i have one kid 5 years older than you and one only 2 years younger. You seem to be the one raging over this, haven't heard anything on Teamspeak about how members are tired of Tod, and want you back. Everyone seems to like the way things are now. GL with the formation of your new group, come to the server anytime and raid whatever you want to raid, and kill whoever you want to kill, it's a game and if you kill me and steal my shit, exactly 0 fucks will be given.
  23. Not to any rescue. I came in, was told the person who started the clan was off playing some other game or something like that. We recruited more people, we did stuff as a group. All the sudden Aelus shows up, starts name calling and raging because he left someone in charge and they improved the group. How was the group improved, group now has a Clan server, virtual hosting to make money for the clan to support the server and upcoming website, many more members now, etc.I don't really care about the politics, I like to play the game. All you younger folk can squabble and fight over this petty stuff, to much RL shit to deal with.Oh about your comment on my military time. Leaders)Commanders) come and go, you follow the direction given to you by your current commander, you don't say "Well Commander Aelus said, or Aelus did it this way"When it comes down to it, it's a game, creating all this drama is........