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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. So you put a decent amount of effort into infiltrating and attacking us, big deal, its a game. I also did hear Xerpt's name being thrown around a few or more days ago as someone who might be in the group spying kodabar stated in these forums he had someone in the group feeding him info. So it was a well known fact that there was someone spying, no fucks were given. You got us, Good Job!!!!! As far as how much we, well at least I gives a shit, that would be zero.
  2. You need to put him on ignore, he is obviously nothing but a troll.
  3. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    I guess I am, could you enlighten me?
  4. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    I feel sorry for anyone that has to work for you, makes one mistake, gets fired. Mistakes are made, this was worked out, and fixed. Will continue with 1st offense = kick, second offense = ban for combat logging and ghosting. Not one person who has received this on my server has appealed so must be doing something right.
  5. See that is the thing you CANNOT say that: 1. Locked server = cheating 2. That a locked server will equate to hoarding all vehicles and acquiring of all top gear Not all admins fit into your delusions.
  6. Wow, you need to be on some form of medication, you have a serious anger problem. You lump all Admin's into the same group: Power hungry assholes. Hate to tell you, but we are all not like that. I am completely capable of running a server, and determining that Player Valec was Combat logging, so player Valec gets a warning and a kick, if he/she does it again, they are removed from the server permanently. Same goes idea goes towards people hacking and such. Well, if you are found to be hacking, you receive no warnings, you are just banned. Saying that the admins cannot be trusted to run the servers fairly is grossly narrow minded, and completely false.
  7. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    Don't misunderstand what I am saying. I kick people who combat log once they return. Tell them it is not allowed, if they do it a second time they get a ban.
  8. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    You are so right, we need to punish everyone the FIRST time they make a mistake. Seems to me that things worked.the way they are supposed to. Player A gets banned for combat logging (which should happen after a warning is given), Player A proceeds to the forums to say he was wrongly accused. It is determined that he was wrongly accused and got unbanned. Blacklisting the server is not warranted, everyone makes mistakes, you don't give out the harshest punishment for first timers, that's common sense.
  9. Admits to scripting/hacking. Why should the reception be anything other than "I'm glad you got banned and see yah"?
  10. Here is clue, seeing as you don't have one.
  11. Sir, it's not DayZ that is at issue here. Like you said this is a Mod, all the hacking is not happening because of what Rocket has done but because what ARMA 2 is. Someone ports in a A10 on the server, I check logs, see it there, issue ban. Having any more steps.in that process is not needed. I fully understand that there are bad admins out there. I only kick/ban when I know 100% Tycho the person is guilty. I will continue to do so, because I have the proof to back it up if they ever complain in the forums
  12. You're right we did sign up, BUT when the level of cheating/hacking kept rising we thought something would change, guess we are deluded to think that.
  13. Wow, what a well thought out, intelligent response..... SMH PS. Keep following this "business practice" and see how long the popularity lasts. All of the legit players will move on to another game that actually let's SA's police their own servers and keep the hackers inline.
  14. Can anyone list me a game that has the server admins provide proof to the dev team that someone is/was hacking.
  15. Saying there are only 2 reasons you can ban someone from a server, especially these two reasons, is moronic. Player A spawns a heli in front of me, I kick/ban him. Player A complains that I abused.my power, I get a email from SP saying I can't.do that, reverse ban or get server removed. Completely stupid.rules, no other multi player game has a rule set like this for there server admins to follow NONE.
  16. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    I saw you teleporting around and invisible yesterday. I think you had some hacked weapons also, but you combat logged before I could get a good look.
  17. I'll reply, Assistant Director is the rank I hold.
  18. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    Retroactive banning, ahhh no. If someone combat logs they deserve a kick/warning first time, banned the second time.
  19. He doesn't seem to know how to do anything but insult. We are done with this thread, he seems to keep coming back to "beat the dead horse"
  20. Wow, people are still beating this dead horse?
  21. Can others use this program?
  22. AADiC

    admin abuse in (SA 1)server

    Chances are no one will help you, they usually don't. It sucks but you should start looking for a new server.
  23. Calling someone psychotic in a game, that's funny.
  24. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    Still an exploit, and I'm with all the other admins that boot people for doing it.