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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. Ahh didn't you read the above posts by the Community support???
  2. With proof, you just cant perma ban people because you think they are hacking. SA needs to provide evidence that the OP was/is hacking.
  3. Where is the solid proof the OP is hacking, only proof I see here is the admin abuse
  4. AADiC

    US 1234

    If you're truely innocent, just open a ticket with the dayz staff.
  5. AADiC


    Don't mind this guy, he is trolling. No way anyone can say "not enough evidence" in this case.
  6. AADiC

    US866 Ban Appeal

    Bad trolls will be bad.
  7. Battleeye Script Restriction #49 Can anyone tell me what that is? Get booted from server with that every time I try and access the Server Admin functions.
  8. I don't see US 175 listed any longer :) BTW I was on a webpage the other day that showed Server histories, like name changes and such, anyone know what that site is?
  9. Enjoy your server now, not going to be connected to the hive much longer.
  10. I agree with all of that except the not banning. If they don't change the name, ban them.
  11. Yep, you're right, you are so smart. Maybe when I grow up I can be as smart as you? Edit: that is for Ballz, can't quote him so I quoted you.
  12. You have some serious anger issues, if a game gets your panties into such a bunch, you shouldn't be playing it. You're right, it's the Dev's faults, but because it is there doesn't mean that it should be done. Most people have something called integrity, obviously you do not. I think if you ask, most people would be more irritated at your unprovoked fits of rage than me stating that you shouldn't use exploits.
  13. OMG!!!! We should just all end our lives, you took some of our digital gearz!!!!!!! Attention all Elysium, Attention all Elysium: Meet at the super secret ritual grounds tonight for mass suicide, Xerpt has taken some of our digital gearz!!!!!!!!!
  14. I have not taken a side in this thread all I said was that GUID's can be spoofed. So no arguments from me, I say again, take a pill.
  15. Haven't argued a thing, take a pill.
  16. AADiC


    Went ahead and contacted Vilayer staff about the issues people are having on this server, GL SA's :P
  17. Never mind, had someone come kill me.
  18. AADiC


    So what did he do to deserve the ban, please post the proof of what ever he did.
  19. AADiC

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    This is what you should be doing, not banning everyone. The Admin that banned everyone 2x, needs to have his priv's taken away.
  20. Another example of your complete disregard for the opinions of the community. You have filled this thread with them.
  21. So by that reasoning if rocket wanted hacking out of the game he would do something about it? If the weapon is not supposed to be in the game, and you know that and willingly use it, you are nothing but an exploiter and deserve to be banned.
  22. I see you and your great attitude is back posting again. This is the first mod I have seen that the Mod's Dev's dictate to the the SA's how they have to run the server.
  23. AADiC

    Lion - US 241

    So the SA is supposed to allow the player to continue to play for the weeks it will take the Staff/Dev's, if they ever do?