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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. Great logic, I help someone out, explain something to them instead of just raging on them like you do and I am making it harder on you Not everyone spends 18 hours a day living DayZ. People like.you that think that everyone should know everything there is about the game and treat people.like.trash when they don't know something are the problem Less people like you and more people who are willing to help others out is what this game needs.
  2. Ironic, play by the rules or GTFO, and you are breaking the rules by banning them. Assholes like you make it so much harder on the other SA's.
  3. Insane, you can't even say hey that is a.hacked in weapon, you need to drop it or.I'm going to kick/ban.you? Totally unbelievable
  4. Yeah, because everyone who plays dayzk.is exactly what weapons are allowed in the game...... SMH!
  5. AADiC


    Hey Tetas change your name and do it again :P
  6. If you find someone with a hacked weapon, you ask them to get rid of it. If they don't, kick them. If they return with it hand still refuse to discard it, 24 hour temp ban. If they return with it, perm ban. Give them a chance, if once they are aware it is not a legit weapon and continue to use it, the ban is warranted.
  7. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    Here is a case of Beans for you!!
  8. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    You should seek some professional help. Why does this make you so angry? Why do you care if a bunch of grown men like to watch a cartoon of sparkly ponies?
  9. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

  10. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    Ulfhedjinn summed it up nicely.
  11. When I ran servers for Quake/MoH/CoD/BF, etc.. I payed for the servers, I didn't pay any extra for a server version of those games, only spent $ on my personal copy of the games. I was never told I could not remove people from my servers but for only racism/threatening behavior. I was never told that I had to prove that someone was hacking BEFORE i removed them from the server. I was never told I can not reserve some slots for friends/clan etc. I was able to run my server as I saw fit. If I ran it like a idiot, well people wouldn't play on it. I know DayZ isn't those games, but the point that i feel is relevant is that I can not think of any game that has ever restricted the SA's like this one. No game has ever had a rule set, not to mention one that favors hackers/cheaters (not intentionally, I know that) For the most part I follow the rules established by Rocket on my server. What I don't do is allow people to continue to play on the server if that are exploiting in any way or hacking in any fashion. I do not allow them to continue to play while I am sending logs and such into the support team, and waiting for them to comb through them and get back with me, that just does not make any sense to me.
  12. AADiC

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Why "wreck"? It's part of the game, you want a friendly help everyone play style, we like to "pvp" Two different play styles, that's all.
  13. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    How about a Dew! :)
  14. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    If you say so.
  15. AADiC

    In game Brony Meetup!

    This dude was AWESOME!!! I watched this when ever I could :) Lets make some happy little clouds, and some happy little trees!!!!
  16. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    Why is it hate, it is part of the game, hell Rocket encourages it. You play a friendly style, I play a "I am going to take whatever I can from whoever I can" style. Oh yah, it's only a game :)
  17. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    Saying that you will have such a force that you cannot be killed is being a little full of ourselves :P Saying that is a fun, playfull way ;)
  18. AADiC

    In game Brony Meetup!

    "Haha! This thread is gold. :) Posting stuff like this in the forums is the exact thing that Rocket talked about when he spoke of "meta games" People need to stop complaining about shit in the forums and go play the damn game! :P " Referring to this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65567-kill-all-bronies/ It's all in fun :)
  19. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    My motivation = To have fun IN A GAME, in a IMAGINARY world, nothing more. It does not reflect my desires in the REAL WORLD.
  20. AADiC

    Kill all bronies.

    OMG!! This is a game, not real life!! People who think that behavior in a game mirrors the persons behavior in real life are out of touch with reality. Because I like to go around and kill people on site in this game, steal their beans and move on does not mean, in any way, shape or form, that I am going to do it in real life. Wow, just WOW!!!! EDIT: Anyone who's real life behavior mirrors their online gaming behavior, especially when it is a violent one, already has a screw loose.
  21. AADiC

    The bans..

    So because they don't look at the forums on a regular basis, and post regularly they are obviously a "shady character" That is a seriously stupid assumption. Some people play the game, and only get on the forums when they have an issue.
  22. AADiC

    Banned (Never played on server) US 1040

    Community shares GUID's of players they catch hacking. Glad to see this, means you're banned on my server also :)
  23. 1. If you want to get all technical, then yes. If you have any integrity, you wouldn't use them. We kick when we catch someone with a hacked weapon, if they return and continue to use them, they get a ban. Everyone knows how easy it is to get a new GUID, if you're stupid enough to keep forking out money, well you're stupid. 2. Cheating is rampant in all games, just more visible here, because BE sucks and the SA rules are overly restrictive.
  24. AADiC

    US #500 Vet - Multiplay :: Aarons server (Admin Abuse)

    Why should he do that?