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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. 2012-08-13 19:28:43 Name changed was: DayZ - US 1320 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95417) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod new: DayZ - US 405 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod 2012-08-13 22:51:15 Name changed was: DayZ - US 405 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod new: DayZ - US 1320 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95883) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod That's what happened. Still there Edit: Name changed 9x since 1 Aug 12 when it was new.
  2. Highly doubt that a server will get blacklisted for banning someone who is playing on the server with a hacked weapon regardless if they scripted it in or took it from someone. Just checked my logs, and I can see what gear people have when the first log in.....
  3. You should bow out of this thread, you're just making yourself look worse as you continue to reply. Everyone makes mistakes, just say sorry, and move on.
  4. You need to calm down, you over reacted some to the post. Just take it as a learning experience. Get the RCON that i linked, and that will help you out alot admin'ing
  5. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Wow, carebears because we want to play the game legit. If you need an advantage over everyone else to play the game, sad.
  6. Not being able to use the in game Admin panel is a known issue. Look into getting RCON, better Admin tool. http://www.battleye.com/downloads/BERCon.exe There has been a lot of discussion about is shutting down the server against the rules. the rules don't say it exactly, but most of the SA's/community believe it is against the rules. Don't shut your server off, same as locking it.
  7. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Way to be a cheat. Can't play legit, so you have to cheat, sad.
  8. Here is the story of how I got the 2 hacked weapons: http://dayzmod.com/f...re-pussies-too/ EDIT: If you are gonna bitch about me getting the hacked weapons you can leave :D It is stated that you can't get banned. You deserve the ban, hope it sticks. Going to contact the SA and get your GUID so I can add it to our server.
  9. If you know that you are using a hacked in weapon, then you deserve the ban Yes, SA's can see what you have when you log into the server.
  10. The rules say you can NOT ban someone for having a hacked item unless you can prove that they scripted it in. Now, I have said in other posts like this that the person gets told it is not a legal weapon and if they don't drop it they'll be kicked. If they get kicked and return with it, then they can get the ban.
  11. AADiC

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    Yes you can, and yes I will if someone is on my server swearing up a storm :)
  12. Many players/admins know what the guns look like/sound like. At the first hint of something wrong we can look at a log and see what the player spawned in with. Problem with waiting is that I am not going to wait the days/weeks it takes for them to get it sorted. They are mired down with so many things, this is something that we, as Admins, can help with, and will.
  13. AADiC

    US #1357 Locked server

    Do host a server, and like I said only reason you would lock the server for extended periods of time would be to have a easy time getting the loots!!!
  14. You mean 3 kinds of people, number 3 being those who just play the game and don't know any better. Again, some people just play the game, they don't read all about it before playing. That is why I can't understand why SA's cant do what the quote below says. Beans for you!
  15. There is no problem with kicking someone with hacked gear after you tell them, "Hey that weapon is a hacked in weapon" and they don't get rid of it. Six years ago I was in Florida, went to Walmart to buy somethings. Couple days later I go to the bank to deposit what cash I had and found out the 2 twenties that I received as change from Wal-Mart were fake. I committed no crime, and was not deserving of any punishment. Some people just play the game, they don't read the forums, they don't go to the Wiki. To outright ban them without saying "Hey not sure if you know but that gun is not allowed in this game", give them a chance to say "I didn't know that, i'll get rid of it right away" is not the right thing to do. Edit: double quoted.
  16. AADiC

    US #1357 Locked server

    It was locked, just look at my SS above. If its not locked now, all that shows is that you unlocked it because of all the visibility you're getting
  17. AADiC

    US 454 Banned

    OP, if you feel that you were unfairly banned, open a ticket with Support. At that point, the SA will be required to present his proof to them (Support) to substantiate his ban.
  18. AADiC

    US #1357 Locked server

    Nah, I'll just let Community Support know about it, they are pretty good at taking care of things like this.
  19. Added your friends and your GUID to our servers Ban list.
  20. AADiC

    US #1357 Locked server

    You're right, they can, and DayZ support can also remove it from the Hive. If they want a safe environment to play in, use a private Hive. The only reason to keep a server locked is for the SA and his/her buddies to have a safe environment to collect all the loot, and then server hop and decimate other players.
  21. AADiC

    US #1357 Locked server

    So leaving your server locked is OK?
  22. If you find someone with a hacked weapon, you ask them to get rid of it. If they don't, kick them. If they return with it hand still refuse to discard it, 24 hour temp ban. If they return with it, perm ban. Give them a chance, if once they are aware it is not a legit weapon and continue to use it, the ban is warranted.
  23. I do not know from memory what guns are good and which ones are not. I am not going to stop mid game and go Check Wiki. My whole heartache with some of these responses is that, all the SA's have to do is take 5 sec and tell the player, "that is not a legit gun, you need to discard it or you'll be removed". If they don't listen, remove them. Just perma banning them is not the answer and not allowed. Hell, what I do is not allowed ( tell them to drop weapon, if they don't they get kicked, if they return and still have it 24 ban, if they're turn again and still wanna use it, perm ban). Sure, it's some work, but as a SA, it's part of the job description.