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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I do. There are a lot better ways to sort things out then kick/banning everyone off the server. I am not happy with the rules either, in fact I don't always follow them to the letter, but this is way outside the lines. But trying to talk to some people is like talking to a wall, so I'm done.
  2. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Kick/banning everyone except for your friends is a shitty way to run a server, period. There should be complaints if the SA is as heavy handed as this guy is. Probably more people are pissed and just do not know where to complain about it. Yep, you are right " a bigger bunch of crybabies with such a sense of entitlement in my entire life", this SA is one of them.
  3. AADiC

    US 454 Banned

    If you say so, lol
  4. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    What do you define an unknown account as? Is it everyone that isn't on TS with you, or is it everyone that isn't in your clan or a friend of yours? So, if someone doesn't fit into your category of "known" they are automatically a hacker. Kick/banning everyone off a server while you spend time sifting through logs is abuse, and if Community Support ever sees this thread I imagine they will agree. We can only hope that they do, so that you can be told to stop or lose your server. Oh yah, no tears from me, and none from Takas either. What's going to be delicious is your rage when your server gets blacklisted for obvious violations of the rules.
  5. AADiC

    US 401

    Why close it. On one hand you have somebody who has no clue what ghosting is, and another person (Ped) who thinks that Meta Gaming is not allowed. People need to understand what is going on, and what the rules are. Closing the thread does no good.
  6. Guess, I'll get my DayZ working again, and go pay a visit to the tents, loot, and flatten them.
  7. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Ironic, you claim players have a sense of entitlement, and your post screams I am a SA, so I am entitled to do what I want, screw following the rules.
  8. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    So you do not think kicking everyone you do not know off the server isn't abuse???? Hell, I would say that shutting the server down until you can look through the logs is a better remedy than booting everyone that is unknown to you.
  9. I know of one that was blacklisted. I imagine many more, we just don't see it.
  10. The rule saying that you cannot remove people from your server for picking up/using a scripted in/hacked weapon needs some refinement. If someone is told that the item they have is not intended to be in the game, and they continue to use it, they should be removed from the server. If they return with it, they should be permanently removed from the server. The current rule set favors scripters/hackers, not intentionally, but it does regardless. Playing DayZ today is a crap shoot, that is the main reason I don't play and only help out doing Admin stuff when I can. TL;DR: Warn player that the item is not legit, they don't drop it, kick them, they return with it ban them. Edit: SA's like this one doesn't help either. Acting like a 12 year old and raging all over the place.
  11. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    No, I think that most people who use exploits/cheats realize that if they report, the devs will end upcoming down on them not the SA's. Anyone that uses weapons that are not in the game fall into those categories.
  12. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Can and do. Warn player that the weapon is not allowed, they dont drop it, they get kicked. They return with it, they get banned. Been a rule since we got the server, has been enforced many times, server is still there. Wanna try it out, US 1023. Edit: Almost every player drops the weapon when they are told to, think maybe 2 players wouldn't and after they were kicked, they never returned.
  13. AADiC

    US 454 Banned

    Ok, so you have no proof got it. Will direct some Community Support this way. Admins like you are the ones that everyone bitches about, abusing their power, one that make it hard for SA's who are trying to do the job right and fair.
  14. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Talking to someone like you is useless. You have an excuse for everything. Using a scripted in gun is cheating, if you use it on my server I'll ask you to get rid of it, if you don't you will not play on my server. Easy to prove that the weapon you have is not a legit weapon, impossible to prove that the legit weapon you have is duped in. next excuse.
  15. AADiC

    US 454 Banned

    Show the entries that show he hacked, you haven't done that. If he hacked, and as of this minute no proof has been provided.
  16. AADiC


    You just don't understand. Blacklist = No hive connection, meaning everything you have you will only have on your server, if you go to another server, you'll start out with nothing.
  17. AADiC

    US199 Banned

    Where you banned or just kicked? DayZ wiki for for what is legit and what is not.
  18. You all need to get some Fraps going so you can show what he is doing, so the Support folks can chime in and solve this. It is obvious he is not mature enough to be a SA.
  19. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Sigh, if the gun is NOT coded into the MOD then it shouldn't be used. If I kill someone and they have a AS 50 on them, then of course I can take/use the gun it was coded into the Mod. I do not think it can be said any simpler than that.
  20. AADiC

    US 401

    Rocket has stated many times that he encourages Meta-gaming, thus it is not a bannable offense.
  21. AADiC

    US 401

    Ghosting is switching servers to get into position of advantage on someone, then logging back into the server. That is what ghosting is in this game.
  22. Soon as I get your GUID, I'll post it so all the SA's can add you to their Ban list.
  23. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Soon as I get your GUID, I'll post it so all the SA's can add you to their Ban list.
  24. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Taking/using guns that are not coded into the mod is cheating, not gaining an advantage.